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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Go Forth and Multiply to Divide and Conquer

Once again the specific, prophetic warnings from Billy Meier unfold before our very eyes

A so-called top imam espouses interbreeding as part of the agenda to exploit asylum seekers as a means for radical Islam to conquer European and other countries.

The frighteningly short attention spans possessed by people these days compels us to point out that Billy Meier had long ago specifically warned of what is now unfolding before our very eyes.

From 1958:

83.) And it will be that fanatical Islamists carry out bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for their earlier crusades when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world.

From 1981:

Italy and France will be shaken, due to Sansculottes*, who murderously and by arson destroy every order: Paris will be destroyed from within and burnt down. The inhabitants themselves are those, who lay Paris into rubble and ashes via murder, arson and revolution

From 1987:

175. And it will be that the fanatics of Islam will rise up against the countries of Europe and all will shake and quiver.

176. Everything in the West will be destroyed; England will be conquered and thrown down to the lowest level of misery.

177. And the fanatics and warriors of Islam will retain their power for a long time.

178. However, not only Europe will be affected but ultimately all the countries and peoples of the Earth, as the great horror expands to a war that will encompass the entire world.

From 1995:

Additionally, lengthy deliberations will increasingly take place regarding Islamic fundamentalism, which will mesmerize the entire globe. Uprisings, revolutions, wars and other diverse forms of unrest will escalate tremendously, with Islamic fundamentalism playing a very sad part in the scenario.

Also note the following from the Henoch Prophecies:

221. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning.

The people were warned but they got lost chasing lights-in-the-sky, imaginary “aliens”, endless entertainment, conspiracies, religious delusions and political charades, etc., and they just…didn’t listen.

For those who still can’t, don’t or won’t understand how and why all of these things seem to just “happen” – and how they can be foreseen, understood and dealt with hopefully prevented – it’s the immutable Law of Causality (cause and effect) at play.

I highly recommend studying the spiritual teaching, which is at the very core of the Meier case, the reason for it, inextricably bound to helping us assure our own very threatened future survival.

It should be, or soon will become, very apparent that now more than ever, learning the true meaning and moment-by-moment application of…neutrality will be absolutely essential to our survival.


*Revolutionaries, as is further specified and explained in the Henoch Prophecies:

“France will not only be invaded by the aggressors from the outside, but will also be conquered from within as a result of collaborative forces and other forces. This can be envisioned as being the many foreigners of a different religion living in France at that time, and specifically Islam, which will be this force working from within.”

See also:

Today’s News Yesterday

Urgent: Another Prophecy Fulfilling

Cause and Effect or Is It any Wonder why “They” Hate Us?

Peer Review of Billy Meier’s UFO Evidence and Information

Cause and Effect

Thanks to Bob Wiegand for the link to the article on the imam.

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Corey Jones

posting my FB comment:
176. Everything in the West will be destroyed
^Never enjoy reading this one (or any of them for that matter)

Talking to a few buddies in the military, it’s very interesting hearing what they are being told and shown that the extent of terrorism, specifically IS, happening now in America is far greater than the public knows. Like being told not to wear their uniform off base as the amount of kidnappings, specifically soldiers, has increased drastically (he mentioned beheadings too but not sure to what extent, didn’t want/couldn’t give more details). Things we never hear about in the media at all. (No surprises there…)

George M

Corey, if I may speculate: I often pretend to think in an evil way, so as to better assess possibilities.
If I were the evil, ruthless commander of a group of soldiers who were growing restless or otherwise questioning the validity of commands, I would make them believe that there was somebody out to get them, so as to make them pliable.
I would certainly show them videos of people just like them who were harmed by an “enemy”. I would fill them with fear, and suggest that they not wear uniforms off base.
In fact, I might even sacrifice a few soldiers by organizing for exactly that to happen to them, and show the video to the remainder.
I do not doubt that there are terrible things happening everywhere in the world, perpetrated by a multitude of groups.
I do not doubt that ISIS is a terrible threat to all of humankind, including the families and countrypeople of ISIS soldiers.
However, given that the conduction of false flag events seems to be standard practice, I cannot accept any information on face value.
This place seems to be deception wrapped in deception.
The only logical thing to do is to remain thoughtfully fearless, in a sensible way, and to deal with threats or bad patterns that are unfolding in a prioritized, coherent, coordinated manner, so as to deal with problems at their root.
The root is, of course, and not to be banal, that political power has been usurped by unscrupulous, short sighted individuals who are allowing ISIS to persist so as to intentionally upset order in the world, which is then taken advantage of for temporary, superficial gain.
The solution is, therefore, thoughtfulness coupled with action, a restoration of social cohesion in all countries, the removal of power usurpers, and for the restoration of order via elimination of any and all terrorist groups, including those of government, accompanied with a return of all people’s to their homelands, where individuals are socially, morally, and economically compatible with one another.
I for one am exceedingly tired of the least among us proclaiming themselves to be “leaders”. Most of these people are unfit to lead others across a street, let alone lead an entire society to prosperity.

Sheila Clark

Hi George, it REALLY happened in my country already, just north of you:,_Ottawa
No false flag involved.

Darcy Wade Carlile

George your thoughts won’t ever make it past this comment on this blog because of cause and effect law and because of the monstrous overpopulation.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Mike can you please explain further on “assume that”. Bonnie assumed that a cat can hate but I meditated on that thought for awhile.

Darcy Wade Carlile

That ain’t what I meant. I meant there is no savior, just false resolutions to stop the pendulum.

matt lee

Its a valid point George
If you can kindly ask Michael if he can ask Joe about those things Joe maybe able to enlighten us.

George M

Matt, I am confident that MH does not require anyone to ask, in order to put intelligent, relevant questions to Joe. It is likely that MH is absorbing and assimilating information, until such point that enough good questions crystalize to warrant a conversation.
Darcy, as human beings that are fragments of this creation, enlivened by it, we are that creation. Hence, if we change our minds, thoughts, and behaviour, then creation changes correspondingly.
I liken it to someone driving a car, at a velocity that guarantees a car crash should the driver not change something, like taking their foot off the accellerator, and putting it on the brake.
Sometimes big things come from little things, like the driver of a vehicle sneezing at just the wrong moment, and having an accident as a result. Or sneezing, and luckily missing a pedestrian.
Hence, I agree with MH – if a fragment of creation decides to be an energetic bit of dust landing in the nostril of the people running the planet, making them sneeze, then the course of the car can change.
Logically, however, it is likely that the minds of those in power are already set, and so the correct people to influence are the people following the orders of corrupt and/or foolish “leaders”.
Alternatively, you can become a leader yourself. Even if you do not win an election, you can succeed in injecting good ideas, or logical patterns of thinking, into the public zeitgeist.
Please forgive the childish example chosen with the dusty nostril by the way. It is a convenient, easily comprehendable analogy.

matt lee

Good point George
I just hope the node in Joe’s brain don’t catch up to him too soon for him not to be able to give intelligible answer to Michael’s well thought out questions in the near future.

Terry Carch

I`ve been watching some of the news on the refugee crisis in Europe. Some of these European countries are trying to put a limit or send these refugees back where they came from so maybe there just might be some hope here that we can try to influence these refugees that we DON`T want them to enter into another countries borders to try to influence their muslin beliefs on us ESPCIALLY when is comes to those DISCUTING ISIS/ISIL THUGS” “Let`s keep these jilhadis ganges OUT of our territories in the west and around the world!!!!”

Ah Peng

Putin the modern day Charles Martel seems to hold the key to defeat IS. Saving Syria from IS will probably save Europe from those fanatics. The evil committed by Assad will be nothing compared to what will happened if IS is victorious. Imagine if those French nuke arsenal in their hands. Their goal is worldwide Islamic Midas touch dominance. War is deceit. Jihad is perpetual. Hope that more muslims out there discovered Meier teachings for a better world for all of us.

matt lee

Truly terrible thought

George M

Ah Peng, I would suggest that the Russians, who are experienced in managing a federation of multi ethnic, multi language, multi religious etc denominated population, are acting because they see the following pattern:
Right now, ISIS extremists are predominantly present in the Middle East, and not in Russia.
The remainder of Europe, while pandering the the US and Germany via such things as outrageous participation in economic sanctions, are not physically attacking Russia.
Should the balance of power change in Europe, such that people, like those in ISIS, are in direct control, then Russia will have an overtly violent enemy on their doorstep, as well as empowered dissidents within its own borders, that may/will spread destruction directly into the Russian federation.
The latter is much worse than present day economic sanctions, or provocative slander spread about Russia on Western television.
What is particularly shameful about this is that various groups are under the delusion that they can use ISIS as a weapon against Russia, and somehow not find themselves confronted with the enemy that they created.
It is a bit like raising a starving, ferocious, unstoppable bulletproof tiger to unleash on your least favorite person. Once the tiger is done eating the person that you didn’t like, you still end up with…a starving ferocious unstoppable bulletproof tiger…that looks at you.
Ironically, the politicians of Europe, are, themselves, starving ferocious tigers that the public allowed to grow to maturity.
If people in Europe don’t ignore their governments, self organize, and physically repel those people themselves, there will be devastation.
If politicians or business leaders in Europe, who might read this, do not realize that the ISIS tiger is a more fearsome beast than they are, there will be devastation.
If I were in Europe, I would be extremely vigorous in my efforts to stop the unfolding of this pattern.

matt lee

IS aside the impending environmental and cosmic source of catastrophes such as super hurricanes, tornadoes, San Francisco and Cumbre Vieja earthquakes, Red Meteor Apophis, Rolling walls of fire, mega tsunamis, Nuclear Reactor Meltdown, radiation poisoning, glyphosphate food contamination, refugee crisis, sea level rise, impending civil wars, overpopulation, food and potable water scarcity, droughts, famine, pollution, oxygen depletion, acidification of the oceans, extinction of fauna and flora species, Fukushima, misuse of exotic weapons technology, Dark Order, ozone depletion and possible fake alien invasion scenario seems to be ever more urgent and pressing for solution with much more severe remifications.

Anthony Svab

Go Forth and Multiply to Divide and Conquer; hmmmm…

I wonder who gave them that idea:

comment image

“A plan similar to Kaufman’s was issued during the war years by a prominent American anthropologist. In an article headlined “Breed War Strain Out of Germans” in the New York daily newspaper P.M., January 4, 1943, Ernest Hooton laid out an “outbreeding” plan that would “destroy German nationalism and aggressive ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities.” (See also: Benjamin Colby, ‘Twas a Famous Victory, 1974, p. 131.)

The Harvard University professor’s proposal called for genetically transforming the German nation by encouraging mating of German women with non-German men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers, and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany, with non-German women.

Ten to twelve million German men would be assigned to forced labor under Allied supervision in countries outside of Germany to rebuild their economies. “The objects of this measure,” wrote Dr. Hooton, “include reduction of the birthrate of ‘pure’ Germans, neutralization of German aggressiveness by outbreeding and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals.”

This plan, Hooton estimated, would require at least 20 years to be implemented. “During this period,” he went on, “encourage also the immigration and settlement in the German states of non-German nationals, especially males.”

The word here in Europe is – a few of our governements revealed this just a few days ago – that rich Gulf states, like Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Turkey and some other American allies are massively paying these “refugees” to migrate to Europe. If some of our governement knows this, then for sure those RA-tards in charge in Germany, Vatican and Brussels know that, too; just as those american RA-tards in White House, Pentagon, Langley and Maryland do, too. But none of them is saying anything or trying to stop these migrations; moreover they are still welcoming all kinds of refugees.

Because of all of this I am sure that all this migrations are not just a plan of some Arabs or muslims; I am sure this is a global – a New World Order plan for global depopulation, for the genocide over Europeans and Americans, first, and the others, later; some top EU politicians, Vatican, Berlin and US being involved in this plan, too, for sure. I would be amazed if US governement is not also behind trying to start a racial or/and Civil war, for the past year, in US, too.

All this just can not be just a coincidence; all our governments just can’t be all the suddenly that amazingly stupid. This can only be explained by as being a global conspiracy!

They also know that thousands of terrorists, mixed amoungst “refugees”, are freely entering Europe, but are doing nothing to stop them or trying to catch them:

It just can not be coincidence that all our governments would all the suddenly all become that stupid. This can only be explanied as being a conspiracy!

I also do not think that it is a coincidence that all this is happening right now, when in a few days, in his speach at UN, the Pope is going to make a call for the New World Order!

It seems to me like these ruling “elite” luciferian RA-tards are not using all these (BEAM`s) prophecies and predictions as warnings, but as a guideline and as a roadmap… because it seems that they are doing everything to follow them to the letter… till the total enslavement or total self destruction…

Darcy Wade Carlile

Great minds think alike Sheila, I was just reading that exact bulletin just now.

Jason Awuku

What is the best way, to invite Muslims to follow the Spiritual Teachings? Has Billy given any definitive proof, as to how the religion was corrupted, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad? And has he given Muslims advice for rectification of knowledge?

Matt Knight

Jason – No invitations necessary. Moderate sensible Muslims see Islamic extremists as a serious threat also & know what Islamic law really says about killing, etc. The “refugee crisis” is IMO nothing more than some seriously messed up group trying to attack & destabilise Europe in order to consolidate power, but, it will backfire – horribly & for everyone. Anyway here’s a few articles from Billy about Mohammed & Islam:

SB 22
SB 38
SB 53:

Terry Carch

I definitely agree with all of you. These are very logical and reasonable thoughts. I just wish the spiritual teachings were in booklet fform so I could read,refresh and carry the booklet where ever I go and look, glance at, up the spiritual teaching when ever I need to so that I won`t forget the spiritual teachings and use the spititual teaching when ever I need to. Great thoughtful ideas.

Terry Carch

I heard that some countries are trying to send these refugees back to their to their own countries despite the wars going on in their country in the Middle East.

Wayne Anthony Sunter-Smith

Just to add to the already smeared over Media . there is this …..

Billy Wilson

The goal of the EU is to lower the independent countries of Europe to that of states as has been done to with experiment of America. Once the system fails , fear can be used to do things that normally would not be allowed to have safety. The families and groups are past money and power now that genetics is in the tool box. They want to be looked at as gods. In the near future we will have many claiming direct bloodlines to Jmmanuel. That should be fun for the roman rulers to deal with, as for the unknowing the suffering is required for power given to ease the suffering.

George M

Billy Wilson, if I may make a suggestion that helps people understand:
I have found that, when people say “The EU” did this or “The US” did that, that information is not properly communicated, which then results in many people being unable to figure out how, precisely, to understand and/or alter the outcome of whatever it is they are talking about.
I have found it more useful to say things like “The individuals and/or groups who control the policy of the EU, are using the political vehicle known as the EU in order to do X horrible thing. Those people and/or groups, who are few in number, and disproportionately rich and/or politically powerful, are the controllers of the EU, and not the EU itself. The names of those people and/or groups are: (insert names here)”.
Of course I understood what you were talking about, and so I am not being disparaging.
I bring it up because, in my experience, articulating that seemingly small distinction with a tiny increase in the precision of language used, helps people understand far more, which creates a more productive, enriching interaction.
Or maybe I just talk a lot.

Billy Wilson

George M, The European Union is a politico-economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe (Wikipedia). This is best place to start to try to answer your reply. Every single human living in the Nations included in the EU should already be taking notice, it does say anywhere that I can research “member nations”. The list of people making this happen is massive is good place to start.
When the papers are finally signed, 27 nations will vanish from the World. No seat at the United Nations, World Bank, IMF,CFR .ect..or even the right to appear at the World Court gone. I think I was clear enough to effect a deeper thought of what is. But since November 1, 1993 the difference between a Nation and a State is going unnoticed, they are being conquered with a ink pen.

George M

Thanks for the information, Billy. What with so many regular people saying “we are in the EU”, when in reality, as you point out, the EU is quite different, while your point wasn’t wholly clear at the time.
I recognize and agree with your sentiments. The political vehicle known as the EU is intended for a very different purpose than that stated to members of the public.
It is quite obviously a vehicle for massive economic and political tyrany, to anyone who looks at broad patterns. It is obviously intended so that corporations and their owners rule all of Europe.
The pattern is like that of having nobles and peasants, except that, in its execution, it is done with modern tools. A digital, virtual, caste system.

Greg Dougall

When I read the news, I like to find the important stories that get very little attention. Just in the past week or two here are some examples:
-republicans failed to block the iran nuclear deal for the third time
-u.s. congress has to meet about the budget again soon to avoid another govt shut down
-population of tuna and mackerel fish has declined 74% world wide over the last 40 years
-scientists confirm the extent of ocean under the ice layer of the moon Enceladus
-Jeff Bezos’s company Blue Origin plans to carry payloads into space in a few years
-America is pretty much letting Russia send more military assets into Syria
-Cuba is now open for business including U.S. internet, cell phones, and banks
-8 trillion plastic microbeads pollute U.S. aquatic habitats daily based on a new study
-a new ancient human species was found in South Africa
-Google and Apple are investing heavily in autonomous driverless cars

The video interview with Joe really hit me hard. I’ve watched it twice. I keep thinking about his line about your picture being taken a hundred times a day.

I’ve got about 50 more years of dealing with the b.s. on this planet, and one of the ways to make it a better place is to stand up and speak up for the truth. Take a little bit of extra time to politely correct people when they are wrong on the internet or elsewhere, when it comes to something important that the Meier case has clarified. Especially when on the internet, leave sources to your information, so other people can see for themselves how you came to learn what is true and what is false or falsified. People only repeat what they are told by someone else, and most of the history we were taught was wrong or rudimentary or incomplete. Even if you just plant the seed in someone’s mind, for the rest of their life, they will have the option to choose to research the Meier case when they are ready, but they can only do so if they know about it in the first place.

Terry Carch

I was just watching Lawrance of Arabia on pbs just now and I can see just how totally messed up the Middle East is Seems to me this has been going on for thousands of years and it`s only going to get worse thanks to the IS jilhadis shills and their religious beheading innocent people etc. If we`re not carful this whole African continant will ju8st turn into a giant sinkhole what with all those terrorist and IS put together that the US government created and start this whole mess since the 1970s and 1980s. The Middle East might just turn inot a giant crater if all this horror keeps up soon at worst,at best you can expect another thousands years of this discusting horrible mess. I agree with you Billy Wilson about the moderate muslims trying to escape theses muslim fanatics. I I understand their thoughts and fellings about how the Koram was read thousands of years ago. MY other organizations has some moderate Arabs who must have fled these extremist terrorist years ago. So yes there must be some hope here too,who knows?

dubhaltagh o hearcain

Does Meier specifically say in any of the contact notes about the quoted interbreeding to infiltrate European society. I’m pretty sure I read something like this in the past.

Billy Wilson

The forced integration of races through combination, union, blend, mixture, fusion, causes an exchange of viruses, bacteria and parasites, unique to each race or culture produces new powerful combinations in the offspring creating a weaker culture.

CS Swalby

UNITED NATIONS — A U.N. spokesman says a record 154 heads of state or government are expected to attend the gathering this month that begins the day of Pope Francis’ first-ever address to the General Assembly.

The summit that starts Sept. 25 will launch ambitious development goals that include ridding the world of poverty and hunger over the next 15 years….

,,,.President Barack Obama, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani are all scheduled to address the world body on the first morning alone.

I’m curious what historic significance will come from this upcoming meeting other than the pope’s speech.