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Friday, May 17, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Have the Whistleblowers Run out of Air?

Too pooped to pucker when it comes to UFOs and prophecies?

In addition to sending And Did They Listen? To Trump, Clinton and Sanders, I recently sent an email* to the board members of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, which includes Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and others. These people obviously aren’t slouches, they have been, and still are, very actively involved in various forms of whistleblowing and getting important information out to the public.

In the email, I presented an overview of Billy Meier’s specific warnings about events which, largely because of the successful suppression of his information by various powers, have unfolded as foretold. If ever there was information that should have long been made available to the public for its evaluation and consideration, this is it.

No Answer Is also an Answer

However, hopeful as I was, it appears that the good folks at FotPF quickly succumbed to extraparadigmitization, i.e. complete befuddlement over that which lies well outside of their sphere of knowledge or experience; in one millisecond after realizing that it had something to do with UFOs, prophecies, etc., they must have decided to not review and research the information, or even risk trying to refute, ridicule or debunk it.

Groundhog Day…Again

Good as these journalists may be, they’re still mainly focused on the familiar, churning, circus-like, political environment that generates most of the news of the day. But for many of us it’s like watching – or being stuck in – Groundhog Day, as the long foretold events predictably occur, mysteriously surprising only to those who were unaware of the warnings and who also, strangely, don’t want to be disturbed by them.

Now this report about the turning away of many nations from the US echoes precisely what Meier reported in 1987**. And while he specifically foretold that the EU would become a dictatorship in 1958 – years before it was even formed – this article gives credence to his prognostication, decades later.

My guess is that we could send our friends at FotPF endless corroborations of Meier’s information and it would effectively remain invisible to them…so long as it has anything to do with UFOs, “prophets”, etc.

Never mind that Meier’s specific, prophetically accurate information spans 65 years, that he’s sought neither fame nor fortune and has the most well documented life of any historical, let alone still living, person. We’re more interested in the endless pack of profiteers and liars who vie for power, control and advantage over others. We love to pretend that it’s going to be different this time because we’ve been infantilized and conditioned to believe in the fairy tales and unfulfilled promises of religion and politics, instead of having been taught the law of…cause and effect.

Expiration Date

As 2020 looms as a possible expiration date for the US as a super-power, there may be an awful lot of regret in retrospect for not having at least ventured a little farther down this road less traveled. Even the best of people can forget their original purpose and be all too easily seduced by concerns of popularity and political correctness once they secure some position, even if it wasn’t formerly their concern or intention to do so. Groundbreakers and way-showers too can become complacent and comfortable when fame and fortune have accrued.

Call the Cops

I also sent information to INTERPOL**** in hopes that they would heed the warnings and use their vast resources to also encourage their various police and military contacts to understand and act upon the real gravity of the situation with the IS. There was no acknowledgment that they received the message.


*Hi Trevor et al,

I am writing you after reading this powerful piece today. For several decades, the Swiss man I represent, Mr. “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier, has been trying to forewarn of very specific events that have subsequently occurred…and continue to do so. He has survived numerous attempts on his life for his trouble.

The mainstream media suppression continues, which is why YOU have never heard of him or, if you did, were told that it was a “hoax”.

Fortunately, two of my films about him and his information are being represented at Cannes this month.

In 1958, Meier not only specifically warned about the two US-Iraq Gulf Wars – and the exact president that would lead them – but also about the coming dangers of worldwide bio-chipping…and irrepressible, worldwide fundamentalist Islamist terrorism. In 1987, he specifically foretold not only the current Russian military movements and the Ebola epidemic but also the WTC attack and subsequent US push for globalization and the phony war on terrorism – as well as two coming US civil wars, etc. Meier may have also scooped Edward Snowden regarding the NSA-Microsoft connection…in 2007.

Whatever side of the political aisle we may be on, common concerns must prevail. And if Meier’s information about the current presence of IS sleepers in Europe is correct, we will all lament that our call for international military action – almost two years ago – wasn’t heeded.

Some very negative things could still be avoided if enough people simply knew about this and…decided its validity and relevance for themselves. For the sake of rational self-interest, I ask you to…look through the proverbial telescope and respond, if even to express your doubts, etc. Because one skeptical professor did, I just made my second presentation at NAU and now also have the support of this former NASA aerospace engineer.

I ask you to risk feeling foolish, if needs be, to consider for a moment that maybe we don’t know everything; I ask you to do whatever it takes to thoroughly, rigorously…honestly challenge, question and vet this information, which may be the key to our future survival.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts

** 193. The military politics of the USA will likewise know no limits, as neither will their economic and other political institutions which will be focused on building and operating a world police force, as it is the case already for a long time [sic].

194. But that will not be enough, and, in the guise of a so-called peaceful globalisation, American politics will aspire to gain absolute control of the world concerning supremacy in economy.

195. And this will point towards the possibility that a Third World War could develop from it, if human beings as a whole will not finally reflect upon reason, become reasonable and undertake the necessary steps against the insane machinations of their governments and military powers as well as their secret services, and call a halt to the power of the irresponsible who have forsaken their responsibility in all areas.

196. If this does not happen, many small and great nations will lose their independence and their cultural identity and will be beaten down, because the USA will gain predominance over them and with evil force bring them down under her rule.

197. At first, many countries will howl with the wolves of the US, partially due to fear of American aggressions and sanctions, as will be the case with many, many irresponsible [ones] in Switzerland and Germany but also of other countries. In part, others will join in because they will be forced somehow to do so or will be misled by irresponsible promoters of American propaganda.

198. Finally, many Asian, African and European states will rise up against the American hegemony, once they recognise that the United States of America is only taking advantage of them for purposes of war, conquest and exploitation.

199. In this way, many countries will become puppet states of America before reason and realisation will emerge in the responsible ones of governments and in many of the population, resulting in a turning away from the USA.

*** Dear INTERPOL,

For decades, very specific warnings have been issued pertaining to the ever-increasing dangers of Islamist terrorism.

I am including the link below so that you can review the information in, and even more linked from, it:

The People Were Warned and SOMEBODY Listened, Part 2

Now Putin calls for “a modern, non-aligned system of international security” to fight the threat of global terror.

While the source of this impeccably accurate information is certainly controversial, the important thing is that it – finally – gets acted upon, despite it’s having been effectively suppressed…for decades.

As the major international police agency, it is incumbent upon you to set aside all political considerations and assist in uniting all law enforcement efforts in preventing what will otherwise result, about which there should be little doubt:

83.) And it will be that fanatical Islamists carry out bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for their earlier crusades when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world.

(1958 Warnings)

And I’ll also inform you that two of my films on this information are being represented at the Cannes Film Market by Adler & Associates, should you wish to review them. In them I included Meier’s (1987) warnings about the attacks on France and Europe from radical Islam that were already on my first DVD in 2004.

Also, please note that skeptical university Prof. Scott Antes said, “…about the Paris bombings? I knew this one was on its way” because of the Meier information.

I look forward to your acknowledgment of these concerns.


Michael Horn

Authorized American Media Representative

The Billy Meier Contacts


Thanks to Chris Lock for the information.

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Barry Smith

Michael, I can see how the Plejaren say it will take 800 more years until we become real thinking human beings. People just don’t want the truth. The prophecies will unfold just as Edward predicted .

Matthew hodges

You should never use that word prediction or prophecy, it has devalued your opinion, at best you could call it a calculation of probabilities. If you want to express your judged forecast for things to come, this is of value, but it should be framed as an educated opinion. The way we frame an educated intellectual opinion is by making sense, which you have done. Well done for making sense. We really ought never aspire after these individuals who for example daily word things to fit into predictive text frameworks, but which are mal formed to the extent that a few days later opinions have shifted around and the world is already on a new course, because these are obviously not of that calibre of predictive work.

Anyone who makes a prediction must surely be able to calculate their own death, if they are unable to do this then this forms enough evidence against them that they know not of the predetermening factors of the spirits in the fine material in the other worldly area and the ultra fine material determining factors which shift the future into its sequence long before any possible changes could be made, it’s only highly conscious humans exclusively from other worlds and they have to have spaceships, to influence a worlds future, and even this is only very rare that they would have this amount of propensity of knowledge and consciousness.

Matthew hodges

You wouldn’t dare say anything like that if I had the time to explain the situation to you. When you begin to repeat things that the Plejaren have explained an experiment with the various complexities, be careful to use these items in the correct sequences and times, experimenting to see what happens if you just throw ideas around getting any old answer if not accessing the BEAM archive, it is just stabbing in the dark. To be fair this is only possible when individuals like you get all the attention. If you havnt noticed already, the community is somewhat tired now and bored with the outcomes.

Corey Müske

Ned Duke: LOGOS = an old Greek word that means “power of Creation” (Schöpfungkraft [source = “Arahat Athersata” page 169:23]). If our planet does not lower our population levels, and stave off the worst disaster the Earth has ever seen, the Creation will show us all it’s true power through the law of cause and effect, through calamity, disaster (earthquakes, unweather, unfortune, mishaps, accidents, tsunamis, super storms, desertification, loss of planetary food and water sources), destruction, misery, war, and millions (possibly billions) of our people will die an abnormal death (mass starvation, thirst etc.). This is all verifiable through old-fashioned Earth research on the subject of the consequences of overpopulation.

Timothy Allen Anderson

One of the oldest advertising tricks has always been repetition, and it has been very effective when done properly. Repeating the message at least three times within a 90 second time frame on television or radio advertisements has made many corporations a lot of money, as the materialistic mind of the human being seems to associate good with repetition. The same thing will apply to the Meier information, although as a result of a slightly different trigger mechanism, as Meier is not selling anything, he is though, trying to get the human mind to consider his message alternate to the way the powers that be here on Earth use the manipulation tactic to guide American’s specifically, to blindly follow their desire. The problem is that the wrong way to lead life has been ongoing for thousands of years, whereas the message of finding and following truth through logic and reason that Meier has been working on, has only been ongoing for less than one mans lifetime.

Bad habits are easily started, but not so easily halted, and this is the way I personally see the struggle for altering the way Earth humans think, or fail to think as the case may be. It is certainly not an impossible task, but absolutely a daunting one that unfortunately will take time. Consider that it took thousands of years to get here, and if the future plays out as the Henoch prophesies state, a thousand year turn around would still be remarkable when all things are considered. Like a stone being drilled through with one drop of water at a time.


“And did they listen” is even more relevant now than ever.. It was worth a shot and I appreciate all your hard work Michael and crew.

Terry Carch

MH Who is MICHANICAL? Is this a real name or didn`t you post the whole REAL name on your blog? I`ll just say mystery person here:::???

Andrew Grimshaw

Psst… Terry,
click on MICHANICAL (his name up there)
and you will find one Michael Haines.
That’s what the website field is for under your name and email when posting comments, I imagine.

Ned Duke

Folks, if you want to know the ins and outs of why we’re heading to non first class status, just take a look at this interview with Robert L. Crandall. It is VERY interesting and plain spoken where you can see how this will be applicable and behooves folks to do more work to understand how things really work on our material existence here.

The links:

david scott

Jared ,
thanks for taking the time for clearing that up a bit. I guess your right on that those establishments have gotten a whole lot worse. Shockingly so, actually. And in addition you were also right that when I do speak with friends or family it gets dropped like a hot potato as I get my mental state questioned immediately. Sad how that is so. I’m trying to share a most important perspective and I become a tin foil hat wearing loon. Even just pointing out insane world events unfolding in real time I get the same treatment. So finding a way to do it is still hard to do. We see it here all the time with the efforts we make and I personally have not found to many that are as effective and powerful presenting this information as MH does.
I would speculate at this point if one were to just do you tube posts or a wesite with just the information it might be more effective. Real conversations face to face are becoming virtually non existent with people these days. Vanity in the populous to those that have that mindset seem too involved with becoming ‘somebody’ and not even able to be an actual meaningful person. Perhaps those with an affinity for nature and the appreciation of that creational angle would be most receptive due to the fact that they have a grounded start to look at some damaging evidence. With the current rediculousness of the fake immigration fury , people can’t even see their own demise on the horizon in their own town due to political correctness brainwashing. They don’t seem able to acknowledge the fact that they are targeted to be used up and culled from the planet while in the womb.

Tyler Rutland

I’m not sure how it’ll go, but I put up some invitational posts in a Facebook group recently – called “Collective Evolution”. I just replied to some posts about the psyche and the fluidal force, albeit clothed in inaccurate terms … This way feels right to me, and hopefully a few people might inadvertently stumble across a true assessment of the situation we currently are facing if they decide to take a gander.

Tyler Rutland

Well why don’t you take some action yourself, Jared?

I’m scared myself, but just focusing on the negative is ramping up our insecurities. It looks like with my own capabilities, I can affect change in some places. You could too.

By sending out the crusade letters, there actually IS a feeling of coming together. It is something that crosses all borders and unlike here in the imaginary Internet, it shines away any imaginary drama that goes on in the Internet daily.

david scott

In regards to a snippet I commented on ‘the space fence’ I forgot to leave a link for the conversation. its here…

I comment on this stuff because its very interesting to dig into why they feed us such bull and you just have to wonder whats behind it. At least we can have at this point an eye opening laugh at just how insane it is. I really don’t want to be so sinister , but its fun for me these days to point it out at the root. Henoch is to the point but the backstory is priceless when you find it. Just sayin that its a victory to be on their ass when the lie so deeply when they smile.

Tyler Rutland

Well the closer we get to disaster, the more folks appear to pay attention. Getting the whole humanity to pay attention is a huge order, and I can’t imagine that even the wise old Dervish man who Billy met during his travels could say anything to make them listen, since how could he become elected on one hand, and on the other hand Billy already sent this wisdom out there.

I’m poor, but I made a commitment to myself to work away quietly at distributing the overpopulation crusade booklet, since it appears like the most prudent action to take, albeit it’s slow and probably won’t avert many prophesies and predictions. But it at least is a physical copy, and I can imagine at least some if not many being curious enough to read it, since snail mail is somewhat of a peculiarity these days.

I take some heart from recognising that we’ve avoided some disaster at least, and I place the peace meditation as being largely responsible for that at least as far as setting the right stage for people to look up now and then in a more welcoming and harmonious fine-fluidal environment, which for me – owing to whatever incesive event in my past including my partial blindness – is plainly visibly evident after the peace meditation has been conducted.

If my calculations are correct, had the prophecies been fulfilled to the letter, we’d already be living in a terror vision with radioactive freaks running amock and biting our flesh.

What it all says to me then, is that we are affecting even a mild change just through the efforts of the peace meditation and constantly distributing this knowledge. And now, it might just be time to especially make some preparations for when things turn even uglier – like getting comfortable with the idea of dying. Really we’ve already been stabbed, burned alive at the stake, tortured, and maimed in so many ways, so … What’s being shot in the head compared to that?

I hate to say it, but it was written that we have to go through hell on Earth at some point before the whole humanity is willing to listen. That’s not encouragement to give up hope, and since the predictions describe our continued progress in the near future, to me that’s a comforting sentiment that no matter the damage, civilisation won’t become completely destroyed. So whatever happens in the near future … I am optimistic cannot be so much more terrible as what we’ve really already been living through for centuries… There’s only so much pain that a dying body can suffer before it’s over, right?

Tyler Rutland

Also, I started with a list of physicians in Toronto as my first “target” with the distributing of the overpopulation crusade booklet (well, “letter” since I just printed it off of the FLCA web site). The first letter I got returned back, though … since maybe the doctor wasn’t residing at that clinic anymore.

Looks like it’s sensible for me to give a call ahead first, to see if the clinician is still residing.

Tyler Rutland

Ah… hasn’t been my intention to scare anyone, btw. Terry have some tea with me today, ok? Before I go out, I’m going to be sipping some green tea here at my computer.

If you’re so high strung, I’m scared you might start hyperventilating … It’s scary, I know. Put out some letters with me this week, eh? It feels pretty good. Like, it’s an empowering feeling.

Tyler Rutland

Urgghh… I wish I hadn’t talked about that dark theme in those exact words myself actually. Now I am feeling scared too. Sometimes I am just so way too loose with my words it seems. Well, here at work printing off some letters and gonna get them sent out takes the mind off of that a bit, and gets it back onto more healthy tracks. I’m going to be more careful with how I choose my words in the future. Not wanting to contribute to any terror here! There’s enough of that in the world already.

Terry Carch

yler that last time I hyperventaled was several yeaers ago when the first doctor told me he wanted to operate on my right foot due to tendonitis,he told me ater surgery I`d be bgedritten for the rest of my life so I went for a second opion and this doctor told me not to worry,no surgery but just exersize and just keep on doing what I always do. If the pain was bad, he just gave me cortozoines shots.I`m trying so very hard NOT to have surgery since Billy said you get cut open and bleed to death. Recently I heard about the idesa of using sound wave instead of segery and light energy theraphy to alivate pain which is much safer and the healing is faster too I heard all this on c2c a month ago. “I only have so many years left so I DON`T want to even thinks about death.” After all look at the P`s who live to be 1,000 years old and IF we make it at all, we could live to be 100,000 years old that is IF we ever get there at all! “I`m scared of dying and even surgery scares me to death too. Somehow surgery is like cutting you up on a butchers block like Frankenstein,like meat! When will this savage barbarism ever end on this dark primitive world????


Tyler Rutland

Oh Terry 🙁

I so wish I could help your problem go away.

Sheila Clark

I’m not sure about that Terry since ER surgery was what actually saved my daughter’s life. I’ll find you the link to death because it’s best that you come to terms with it because we all die at some point in our lives.

Ned Duke


Seeing as we’re for the most part on the material evolutionary segment, I would not confuse folks with access to more advanced fine material capabilities from the alleged ETs and Meier via the alleged Noko-D lineage or AA Level with us, mere Earth Humanity, being instantly capable of doing the same. The only thing we can do is call AAA for car service on the crumbling infrastructure so vital to our material day-to-day existence. In fact, calling folks to rally around their “spiritual” side isn’t going to get ‘converts’ given we’re actually not all that much evolved to live in a fine material way any how.

Instead, we should look to see what we can take and be cognizant of with how we set up our material existence to survive daily. This is critical even more so if you follow the HP given the prevalent mention of natural disasters that will sure to dent the way of life folks have come to expect and not pay attention to. This also means elect folks that are actually intelligent on these matters and not “wrong headed”. I can’t expect insert world leader to read a few blurbs of the spiritual teachings and instantly get everything without the necessary responsibility and recognition demanded from normal evolution. In other words, we still need the requisite experience and background to understand how evolution really works seeing as no one can skip their own evolution. Hence, all the mistakes we are making with nuclear power and energy as we don’t understand the significance of what we are doing and is catching up with us.

Don’t worry about not attaining the same fine material evolution as the P’s have gotten too. We will get there in a future lifetime and fly our own beam ships one day. For now, try to see how we can improve with your neighbors to better utilize and manage the current material existence you reside in for a better joint effort with everyone else. That’s all you need to do. Over time you will inspire others to be taken up by the responsibility that want to join in and will volunteer to do so. It’s that simple. Even SOBs in the business world will take logical necessary steps to ensure their survival if presented with a way to evolve too.


Ned Duke


Well, we’ve evolved with a material-based civilization that operates to keep the majority of the people’s on this Blue World living. Obviously people NEED to be more responsible about the world they are living in and not chase lights in the pie sky or pray to whoever that their parking tickets magically get paid for.

It’s a literal material issue.

I’ve NEVER for example seen Stevey-G be active in community issues. Instead, I always come across this self sacrificing religiously oriented mission with ETs to save you from Cobra Commander because he can’t hold his normal job to put his kids through college given how vital it is to you. Still waiting for the ETs to properly have a plan to fix the zoning rights setup on the planet and how it will be paid. Oops, I guess ETs don’t care about stuff like that.

Maybe I missed something but experience has shown me when someone is given something for “free” they don’t take care of it. Usually the folks that take care of things do so because they understand the responsibilities entails to keep it. Whether it is with small things like household items to larger things like communities, civilization, and the environment. So, handing folks the “spritiual teachings” (doesn’t have to be Meier, just any will suffice for this) means the correlation of that and their every day lives means it will go through one ear and out the other. Now, if they’re responsibly introduced to the duties demanded by their own lifestyle that cannot be shoved onto the next generation’s problems then we have something to work with.

So, people need to have the need to fix their own issues and confront them. Hence, keeping one’s mind “young”. Also, It’s straight outta Meier!

Matthew hodges

Yet again I liked reading. Brief point I like to make about the base of the ideas you raised in profile.

Whether regulation of transportation is healthy at all, even a government body getting involved with the people’s affairs in this way, fining them is only one component of that.

Also while on that line of thought. Any authority dividing and carving up the freedoms and liberties. But as you say it is these individual’s who trash free and good things to spite their competion, to test the reaction of people who care and spite them in the process, sometimes even to spite themselves. Farmers retailers manufacturers throwing away good things for no good reason apart from survival, sharing, profit etc. so sure, nothing pleasant is accomplishable without restrains on population growth. Then with a smaller population, a natural order or considerations gets the upper hand. As billy says in many different ways.

Matthew hodges

The main problem as I see it, is that there are only around 30 million evolved humans spirit forms on earth, does not change with 500 millions or ten thousand million million, so the more of these great people get they’re voices heard the better off everyone would be, the more healthier the world would be, the healthier society, the healthy trade, the healthy this and that and the other. Instead the great people are just used, abused, mis treated, pushed back, ignored and all these poverty stricken individuals rush forward as if they have something valueable to offer and make loud claims and place lofty titles on themselves and distance themselves with virtual money from others, as if they know better, when they cannot even consider a birth cessation it offends them to even consider that no one will consider this apart from them and they have all the tools at their disposal to make this clear to everyone but instead go for the big money instead of the big health, even though it was long planned for them to have all these tools, even planned enough so much so that the short length of life was determined for them, so they felt they had nothing to loose by using the tools they have to make a better future just like they had been shown, but they remained small in their consciousness, as if they had not learnt anything and ignored the oportunity, even though the window of their opportunity was so very small only a thousand years.

Matthew hodges

I just pressed the little .?123 button on the mac and it brought up a sequence from one to nine, but I didn’t find the one or even two I liked so I wrote out the numbers in word form.

Gordon Barnes

Hey, saw this on the UK news this evening.

Putin given go-ahead to build new SUPER ARMY to destroy ISIS

Tyler Rutland

That looks bad. They’re arming themselves with way worse bombs now. Ugh they took a sensible idea and just … made it too extreme and bad.

Corey Müske

Tyler Rutland: Perhaps with your letter crusade, you could include supplemental scientific research in the form of supplemental scientific articles, journals, scientific book snippets, JPEG’s, graphs, charts, anything that backs up Billy’s overpopulation crusade statements, and the damage that is, and will be, done as well as, anything that directs to Earth’s overpopulation levels raising the ocean’s temperatures and the possible atmospheric collapse that might take place in the future.

Tyler Rutland

That’s a great idea, thx … but really it isn’t only my crusade. It’s all of ours, and IMO it’s worth a look for everyone.

Corey Müske

TR: I forgot to mention there is nothing wrong with being poor as long as you are honourable, trust me, I know the feeling.


Corey Müske

Ned Duke: those interviews you posted look pretty interesting, I will have to watch them on my next set of days off.
