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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

The USA Shall Be Imperiled

How empires fall, a lesson never learned and often repeated

Click here for the vlog.

With the heat being turned up on Trump and his associates, as well as on  some mainstream media and political organizations, and with rumors that Trump is going to do more shaking up, etc., I am reminded again of this information from Billy Meier last October:

16. The USA and the rulers of the USA shall be imperiled in the future in many ways, which arise from both governmental and non-governmental anti-government and anti-state actors, as well as from large parts of the United States population, so that the US population breaks up into different population-groups, the basic causes of which are already present, so that the USA is already separatized into various groups at the present time.

With all the focus on Trump, the unasked question is why do they want Pence in there? If the movement to oust him wasn’t an illegitimate, bogus effort, it would seem that voting him out in the next election would be the logical way to go about it. Then, both Trump and Pence would be gone. But this way, should the fabricated charges and machinations lead to his being removed from office, Pence would become the president.

So, we can consider what Meier was told about 2020, as well as his decades long warnings about the coming civil wars.

Cause and Effect

When speaking about the prophetic accuracy in the Billy Meier UFO contacts, we’re discussing more than just corroborations of information. We’re also being shown how cause and effect determine these situations and events.  And, remarkably, as the prophecies and predictions fulfill, contemporary commentators, unfamiliar with the Meier material, may use similar observations, descriptions and language in their reporting.

For example, a new article  says:

“But in recent months it seems that America’s unwavering commitment to fight all of the world’s scourges has brought all those governments and the wealthy individuals who support them to a critical mass, joining forces to create a parallel financial system which would be out of reach of America’s long arm. Should they succeed, the impact on America’s global posture would be transformational.

America’s global supremacy has been made possible not only thanks to its military power and its alliance system but also due to its control over the plumbing of global finance and particularly the broad acceptance of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.”

…which is eerily similar to this from the Henoch Prophecies:

193. The military politics of the USA will likewise know no limits, as neither will their economic and other political institutions which will be focused on building and operating a world police force, as it is the case already for a long time.

194. But that will not be enough, and, in the guise of a so-called peaceful globalisation, American politics will aspire to gain absolute control of the world concerning supremacy in economy.”

The article also discusses these factors:

All of those actions and others point to one direction: In the coming years the dollar will be facing a barrage of attacks with the goal of eroding its hegemony and the energy trading market will be one of the main battlefields where the future of America’s economic dominance will be decided. Any successful attempt to delink commodity trading from the dollar will have a cascading impact not only on the global economic system as we know it but also on America’s posture abroad.

…that relate to and echo this from the HP:

196. If this does not happen, many small and great nations will lose their independence and their cultural identity and will be beaten down, because the USA will gain predominance over them and with evil force bring them down under its rule.

197. At first, many countries will howl with the wolves of the US, partially due to fear of American aggressions and sanctions, as will be the case with many, many irresponsible [ones] in Switzerland and Germany but also of other countries. In part, others will join in because they will be forced somehow to do so or will be misled by irresponsible promoters of American propaganda.

198. Finally, many Asian, African and European states will rise up against the American hegemony, once they recognise that the United States of America is only taking advantage of them for purposes of war, conquest and exploitation.

199. In this way, many countries will become puppet states of America before reason and realisation will emerge in the responsible ones of governments and in many of the population, resulting in a turning away from the USA.

In regards to the Johnny-come-lately geniuses for whom all of this is “news”, I’ve often said that those of us who’ve familiarized ourselves with Meier’s information, and that of the prophets before him, have “read the script, seen the movie and know how it…ends”. Another thing we can be sure of is that, to a person, all of the political commentators, mainstream and alternative news, conspiracy theory and other public voices will avoid any mention of this information because they see no…profit to themselves in disseminating it.

I would be delighted to be proved wrong. But do know that this blog will also be sent to Zerohedge, GoldCore, etc. Sit back, watch the snow fall, the grass grow and the economy crash before the know-it-alls deign to learn the easier way…let alone tell their audiences.

More events specifically foretold in the Henoch Prophecies appear to be underway. Both Sweden and Germany are in the early stages of major civil unrest, which in both cases appear to have connections to the illegal refugees and migrants crisis.

Our Future History

We still have a chance to rewrite some of our future history but that will most likely be on a very small scale and pertaining more to what individuals and small groups may do, should they heed the warnings. And this is where we come to the core reason for the Meier contacts, the spiritual teaching. It’s a good time, as always, to learn the way to live.

The Real Dope on Dope

Speaking about how empires fall, there’s an interesting new article linking the use of cannabis and schizophrenia, which is interesting in light of information published by Meier in 2004 and 2009, regarding the real, vastly underestimated dangers of marijuana use.

More about the Mayan

There’s a new article about the fall of the Mayan civilization, which turns out to be another corroboration of Meier’s prophetically accurate information. We now have…hundreds of specific examples on the website and this blog, spanning a wide variety of sciences, environmental and geopolitical information, etc.

America’s Coming Civil Wars

See also:

Billy Meier’s Warning of US Collapse Now Echoed by Financial Analysts

An Uneasy Feeling

We Look But We Do Not See

NEW Prophecies and Predictions from Billy Meier

Will You Be Among the Survivors?

The COMING 10.0 Quake that Will Shake the World

It’s Only a Matter of…Time


Thanks to Curtis Louthan and Mary Kingsley for information.

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Paul Slusher

Michael, I too was about to retire for the evening. Michael, the documentation on trump’s lies and false statements is not even denied by his own supporters and so your comment is simply not in line with any political observers’ reality, even the pro-Trump folks.

Here is a link (among the literally hundreds) that detail the false statements. I have personally studied hundreds of these false statements and this is both the reality of things and something that I suggest you truly examine. It seems you have not done so based on your comments.

Here is another. The list is so long and arduous, it may take some time to absorb the breadth and scope of his lies. He lies on average over 6 times a day. It really is insane.

In any case. Sfath is not disagreeing with me at all. In fact Sfath’s comments perfectly mirror my position as it pertains to Breitbart, Fox News and the countless right wing media outlets (both online and mainstream), as well as the massive lecture circuit for pro-right wing, pro-Trump speakers. There are many of them and they are making tons of money selling the “conspiracy” of the “liberal” media to undereducated folks every single day without any regard for actual fact-based analysis. So I think Sfath is actually agreeing with me 100%. I feel that it is you Michael who may have taken a turn down a path that has pitted one “view” against another in a way that is not keeping with a fact-based analysis.

Me, on the other hand, I ONLY am concerned with facts. I was legally trained a long time ago and my father was an attorney and judge in Seattle, and i was raised on one very strong principle. Truth and facts must go hand in hand. The moment you deviate from fact and move into opinion-driven “fact” you are now moving dangerously close to the place where Orwell warned us of. Facts are not facts and truth is not truth. Blue is not blue and green is not green. That, Michael, is a dangerous narrative to promote, both for the world and for those wishing to assist the FIGU mission (which in my view is 100% fact based in its essence).

I will not deny that SOME of the media (“Liberal” by the way is a false narrative, use the term “corporate” because that is what it is), are against Trump. That may be true. But the media is made up of people, not robots or non-autonomous creatures but PEOPLE. And many people have heard the thousands of lies and have said to themselves, “there is something very wrong with Trump” and so some of the media reflect that. Is that odd?

In the days of Hitler, if there had been a media brave enough to say “hey Hitler, you are a demagogue who lies, and attacks the weak and the minorities as a scapegoat for your fascist tendencies”, then perhaps Hitler would have been stopped from within Germany. But just like Trump, Hitler silenced the media, scared them from the get-go and made it clear that any opposition to Hitler would be met with fierce and angry rhetoric. This is just like with Trump.

I am not saying Trump is Hitler. I am saying that Trump has employed an almost identical media strategy. Lie about your “enemy” and then when your lies are exposed, attack those who question your lies and get the PEOPLE to hate the media too. It is very Machiavellian in a way that is both frightening and is highly destructive to an open and transparent Democracy.

Last word (I do promise), Sfath’s quote is so perfectly aligned with what I am saying, that I am surprised that you don’t see it. I think you may want to meditate on this a bit and see if you can’t see how I may also be presenting information worth examining in a serious and sober way.

Sfath is describing EXACTLY the strategy employed by Fox News and the pro-trump media and this all started way before Trump. But now with Trump in office, it is “open season” on all forms of media because silencing opposition to Trump and his lies is the #1 goal of this media, for the right wing, the Christian right have MUCH TO GAIN from Trump in power. Sfath was 100% correct and it is playing out everyday. Please take a moment to consider what I am saying.

Much love Michael – as always. 🙂 Salome.

matt lee

Michael you’re a lefty aren’t you?

Melissa Osaki

I think another thing that this Trump hysteria is doing to people is making them choose sides on the extreme right or left spectrum. And that’s why folks get so ruffled if you don’t succumb to their political viewpoints. Most of us here at They Fly and FIGU don’t have a political leaning because we know the system is deeply flawed and in need of complete demolition. That still doesn’t absolve us from analyzing the situation as it really happens. When you can separate yourself out from the emotional and religious pull of political partisanship, the truth and the reality are so much easier to see. Without a doubt, the lesser of the two evils won the U.S. presidency on November 08, 2016, and just like that, the world was spared from an evil and ruthless world war III.


Trump and his ilk are anti-nature; as an aspect of reality Trump represents error, waste, unlogic, excess, etc, that nature is constantly eliminating to strive toward relative perfection. Our planet is suffering. Nature is suffering, at the hands of greed. There are many starving animals as a result. It is just a matter of time before Trump and the rest of the dictators of the world like Putin are eaten by SHARKS!

matt lee

Hi anthony long time no see
In response to what you said about Trump he is up against vultures and hyenas like this type and there is no shortage of them waiting in the wings to take a bite out of him.
Post 1709

But we shouldn’t lose our sight of what is important.
Post 1740

Paul Slusher

Matt, if you are referring to post 1740, that post is made by someone very delusional. See this quote “Satanic luciferian devil worshipping ritual child sacrificing elite pedophile pizzagators among so many others…” That has to be one of the single most ridiculous (and arguably unintelligent and insane) comment I have read by anyone connected to FIGU. My concern is that FIGU is being overrun by conspiracy nutcases and idiots. I have to speak my mind. The idiocy is out of control coming from these various pro-trumpers, from the racists and neo-nazis, to the born again christians within to push their religion over all of us, to conspiracy nutcases. I hope you are smarter than these folks?

matt lee

Paul you are astroturfing and you certainly haven’t studied the Meier case for 20+ years as you claim to otherwise you would never have exhibited the kind of attitudes you have inadvertantly outted yourself with here as far as I am concerned.
You were here to distract, detract and make Meier look ridiculous by trashing his supporters.
It’s the typical sophistry we have grown so use to here.
Whilst you chuckle away losing your belly button with wicked pleasures in front of your laptop another day of unnecessary murder, killings, environmental destruction and social calamity has taken place all because of people like you who think this is all just fun and games worthy of trashing.
I would encourage Michael to analyse your ip addresses just to see whether you are the person you claim to be ‘slasher’.

Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day Matt, slightly longer than anticipated no see.
I watched the two videos on the Youtube channel, crowdsource the truth, by Jason Goodman that MH linked to in this blog and wonder if anyone around here will look differently at something that they should already know or if new to them, have a cognition that won’t allow them to step back over the line they just stepped over,
and whilst having a look around the channel I came across something that you and I are simply fed up with and Paul & Anthony are apparently unable to confront as a truth on this planet; and invite them to explain why it is that so many reports are made about it and so many reports are made about it being covered up by the “people” (and I mean that word to be defined the way the Plejaren define it) that are supposed to be stopping it and why the cover up, if it is in fact true?
Angela Power-Disney Takes Us Further Down the MK Ultra Rabbit Hole with First Hand Account

PS. I understand that your dopamine hits bring you back here, Paul. Please explain?!!??!



The whole “satanic luciferian devil worshiping ritual child sacrificing elite pizzagators…” is a Russian scam, IMO. It is the conservative Christian Russians who are behind smearing occult religions. Russian has banned the occult in their country. They do not want folks worshiping anything other than their Christian god, and they tolerate Muslims.

So it is my opinion that the “patriotic” hacks from the Russians were to scare American Christians away from the devil democrats like Hillary Clinton. Hillary is NOT Christian and this scares the HELL out of Russia. It is Russia who is trying to prop up Christianity, who are just as much pedophiles as occultists, while at the same time discrediting the occult. It is my opinion that pizzagate, like Qanon is a Russian scam.



Please be specific. I am happy to discuss this with you. My suggestion is to post a blurb, not a book, from 706 and we can discuss it here. Cheers!

Melissa Osaki

“The United States of America and the European Union proclaim themselves democracies, but this claiming self-representation must not be judged truthfully, because it is based on a lie that beguiles the people, stupefies the people and obscures the truth. The fact and the truth is that both states, both the United States of America and the European Union, correspond to underhand dictatorships.”

“The United States actively intervenes in the affairs of other nations under its control, politically as well as militarily, secretly, economically and even religiously, if this seems necessary and useful, but also interferes everywhere in foreign problems and circumstances that do not concern it. However, they are constantly plagued by the fear that they will face politically, militarily, diplomatically and economically harmful competition from other nations, especially Russia and China, but also that certain government leaders of other nations – especially Russia – could make efforts towards world peace and also encourage other nations to do so. This miserable anxiety, fear and threat to the American rulers, military and secret services – along with various other profoundly low, unjustified and meaningless motives – have existed since the founding of the United States of America and have always led all those responsible to thwart any peace efforts that have been undertaken in many states of the world since ancient times and that continue to reappear in the millennium to this day. Since the United States of America has existed, they have not allowed peace among the peoples of the Earth to become possible, because they do not want peace, but hate it, because on the one hand they are afraid of losing their far-reaching power on Earth, but also because they have to give up their world domination.”



You act like I have not been studying. I have read this and agree. The USA is a shark predator. We are not the only predators, just at the top of the food chain right now. And in nature we can see how this can change. We are seeking domination, not because we are devils and they are angels, but rather for continue survival. If we lose our “far reaching power on Earth” our country is doomed for sure. Overpopulation is stripping the world of resources and there IS NOT enough to go around.

When predatory animal species are under environmental strain, they fight over resources and territory. My contention is that it is overpopulation that is driving this fierce competition for resources on this planet. Even if the USA vanished from the Earth, overpopulation is eventually going to KILL. This is the problem that needs to be solved in order for humans to feel that there is an abundance for EVERYONE. The problem with the USA is that it CAN NOT go backwards and retreat into some nationalism. If the USA stopped globalism, bringing factory jobs home for instance, our economy would crash because goods would become MUCH more expensive. The reason the USA goes around attacking other countries is to maintain control and hegemony, not because we are evil people. This is survival instinct to secure resources for millions of human beings. Because if we lose that hegemony the economy crashes because the dollar will lose against competing currencies. All that Billy and the Ps expect of America would crash our country and leave millions of Americans dispossessed for sure.

I am sorry, but it is a dog eat dog world out there. Russia is a dog too. They just don’t have as big a teeth, or growling stance, as we do right now. The reason the USA is going to fall IS NOT BECAUSE we were more evil than the rest of the world, but rather the top is always challenged and eventually falls to make way for a new top predator.

Until the Russians and the Americans, along with the rest of the world, drop religion and pick up with the spiritual teaching, the people on this planet are going to be savages hacking it out like predators. Stop making the USA the only savages. We are just the best right now…. Which of course is not a noble title.



“My concern is that FIGU is being overrun by conspiracy nutcases and idiots. I have to speak my mind. The idiocy is out of control coming from these various pro-trumpers, from the racists and neo-nazis, to the born again christians…”

I agree with you my friend. The problem with Figu is that they are so PRO Russian and Putin, and anti-USA and west, that they fall for this dictator’s mission to bring back Christianity. Personally, I respect Figu and purchase their books; but I do not recommend getting more involved.


Hi Matt,

I feel sorry for Trump. But he created everything that is swinging back at him. We talk a lot about cause and effect.

However, we are ALL in need of self improvement. I try my best to emulate nature; however it is easy to judge and as Billy has said this goes against nature. The worst among us, like politicians, are sharks. And that is their dangerous seas so let them have it. Some of us like you, my dear eeL friend, and myself a pesky porg, just need to find some cover. And this blog is not a bad coral reef.


matt lee

Well anthony politics for me has always been a big turnoff but I can’t resist keeping up to date on it as this ridiculous institution has so much power over people’s lives including mine.
The self aggrandizing idiots at the helm of most countries have been given the undeseved power by right of manipulated consent from its citizenry to basically do as thou wilt which has become the whole of the law nowadays.
It’ll stay this way for hundred’s of more years to come so there is no point worrying about the ill effects coming from all the shit that has fallen downhill.
All we can do is just live our lives and help live where and when we can.

Paul Slusher

Mellsa you missed the point obviously. Oh well. Your comments have shown a lack of study of recent history and the facts surrounding the vast criticisms leveled at Trump. If you wish to play a victim card, that is your prerogative. I won’t play ball with folks like that however.

Melissa Osaki

Can you please point to where I played a victim because the only thing I saw is where you tried to make me feel like a victim by saying that Trump treats women badly. Your lack of comprehension is outstanding and I don’t want to play any longer. My in depth study of history is precisely why I can see and understand the reality of this situation.

Paul Slusher

I am out and won’t comment further behond this final comment. The very odd pro-trump comments that are supposedly not said “with a dog in the race” and the clear and open denial that Trump has lied much more than any president before him on record, engaged in criminal and unethical activities and has insulted and attacked sub-group after sub-group, is alarming. I am signing up for the FIGU spiritual teaching program ( and passive membership) and I will not deny that if these comments are at all reflective of the larger FIGU group, I may walk away.

I’ll be in touch with some folks I know in FIGU to ask about these comments and are they indicative of what FIGU stands for. I have been studying Billy for 20+ years and I am shocked at the comments here. I am even more shocked at the comments about conspiracy, pizzagate, and the attacks on the media (as a whole – the media is many different sub-interests and groups, not one monotheistic group) followed by “we are not biased” and “we have no dog in the race”.

It is disturbing and I will be eager to hear what FIGU folks in Switzerland and here in Canada think about these views being promoted. What did I ready recently here “pizzagate, child smuggling”. Are you serious? Trump doesn’t lie? Are you serious? Trump has not acted like an out of control egomaniac to the benefit of religious groups and billionaires and banks? Really? Hillary was probably a disaster but that does NOT preclude judgement of Trump as an egomaniac, power-hungry, lying, possibly sexist and most likely racist (or at least race-baiting) president. He will bring about civil war, this much may be true, but not because he is some great guy. It is because in my view people are right to despise him and they do.

I just think that it is either (a) that folks who claim to be FIGU and Billy students are just not very talented at doing research on facts and presenting them as such, (b) are denial about facts that are presented to them – or ignore them and/or (b) there is something deeply wrong here on a more intrinsic level. I have never been as disturbed as I am these past few days reading the apologist arguments in favor of Trump as if the past 2 years never existed. It is like what I see on Facebook. People see what they want to see and little more.

I am not biased, I am about facts as I have said over and over, but here in these comments there are few facts and few people willing to examine facts. As for your comment that I was playing a “woman” card, that is so far from the truth that it is ridiculous to even address you further. Best of luck promoting your pro-trump arguments all the while claiming you have no dog in the race. LOL. Nothing is further from the truth from what I can see. I will no longer view this post or any comments. I will instead direct my concerns to FIGU members that I trust and see what direction these folks are going.

I will add this final thought. I once was told by someone very close to the Core Group that we should expect that folks, even FIGU students and those who study Billy, to be in an evolutionary place where logic can be skewed and certain realities are denied or twisted. I should not expect anything less in this point in history. Salome.

No need to reply for I will see it. I won’t return. All the best to the folks here and may we one day live in Truth and Facts as the way we see the Universe. Until then, we will suffer.

Melissa Osaki

I guess Ptaah is a Trumper too then since he said that Trump wasn’t a bad person. Be careful folks, stating facts is now pledging your allegiance to Trump.

Ned Duke
Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day Paul,
Those of us who may have been studying Billy for much less of a duration of time than you may recognise the importance of the wording of a question and the expected answer and the unexpected answer to the poorly worded question…….

Sheila Clark

Paul, perhaps if you were to admit you used to work for the State Dept. under Bill Clinton, everything you’ve said would become crystal clear. You have your own responsibility in the mess you’ve helped create and just like an economic refugee, you’ve run away to another country to hide from your self responsibility.

Matthew Reed

I’m saddened by the overtly political bickering on this blog. Why are we falling into this self fulfilling prophecy of division in the USA? Trump is merely a symptom of the rot that is the US government. He is neither a savior nor the devil. If you don’t like the political direction he represents, vote him out. But let’s not tear each other apart over this. Let’s all look to the Spiritual Teaching for guidance and comfort about the rough years ahead. Peace.

Ned Duke

Don’t be saddened but learn and see where the source is coming from which is that people engage in arguments with no resolution because they don’t see the person in front of them lives their own lives and have their own responsibilities. People have an unreal expectation on what every day/ average people should or should not do so when you have folks that run the show display their incompetence, corruption, etc. we gave responses that antagonistic to people that ARE our neighbors who have no direct power/responsibility to actually change the course people are seeking and expect miracles from them. That’s a great way to jam beams in each others eyes but doesn’t satisfy the requisite for peace if we want to live and live future selves without constantly being interrupted by disasters of all types with each passing incarnation. We all have to unlearn this righteous indignation towards our peers who generally are normal people that also grew up a you did.

Yes, being un-moving to suffering is just as bad as holding to blame someone who isn’t responsible which I have to mention as I bet there are folks that will miss where I’m going with it. My point is that people generally lack a sense or place or even who they are arguing because of the fact they have in in-bedded religious sense to proselytize whatever mission/cause in life comes their way that their neighbor must AT ONCE drop everything because of a revelation came to them in the news, media, Q-ANON, etc. This stuff gets old pretty quickly and we’re going to have centuries more of it according to the Meier material before we come to a full understanding about life and not feel happy we told off that Catholic, Jew, Muslim, etc about the whatever hot button tempered moment reached out point in life to LOSE our own consciousness about the lives of other people in the process.

So, it is also true if you’re born to a certain people or part of a certain group or religion you will have people looking to make you in some way culpable or responsible for it. I get this especially for religions in particular which is NOT good. So, if you say you’re part of religion X or Y, some average Joe is going to look at the news and say with zeal/fever “SEE what are YOU going to do about this”! This might be hard, but again people have to be confronted with this stuff because they have to unlearn the very stupid way we’re discussing religions in general that is antagonistic and unhelpful requiring the person we’re looking to fix whatever issue to sheepishly retreat. Why wouldn’t they retreat? This issue isn’t the lack of consciousness one-way but in two directions.

After all, the alleged P’s are more respectful to Earth Humanity than Earth Humanity I’ve seen by enlarge to itself.

Terry Carch

Why are the people of Earth so steeped into religion a god and politics I just don`t understand this at all? How are we EVER going to learn and get out of such dark cruel negative behavior and thinking and become a more enlighten loving kind helpful society peacedul caring as the Ps have learned millions and billions of years ago when the Ps have learned that not only religion and politics only creates wars, hate, selfishness, dishonesty, etc,etc,etc, I could go on and on and on etc!?

Melissa Osaki

Hi Terry, it won’t happen until folks open their eyes to the truth. Until people are able to rid themselves of their partisan and religious entanglements, they can’t clearly see the whole picture or evaluate the truth. It’s a vicious cycle that has continued for millennia. There can never be true love, peace, freedom and harmony until we completely rid ourselves of the hatred and murderous ideologies that religion and politics were designed to instill in the hearts and minds of people.

Terry Carch

Hi Melissa Here is another question also plaguing my mind. Why all these terrible dark forces trying so very hard to influence the human race here on earth to try to take over our minds and thoughts to goad us into oblivion with very short life spans? Is the human race here on Earth so vain and not afraid to die for a good cause? Where is the logic and light in this sinister idea? Why all the forces of authority, wars, crimes, killings diseases,etc?

Melissa Osaki

Hi Terry, I would put it down to several reasons: religion, greed and thirst for power (incorrect thinking). As long as the human beings of Earth continue to think and act in the manner they currently do, we will continue to slide further into the abyss. If more and more of us can balance out the collective psyche by doing the peace meditation, meditating and living and thinking correctly, eventually we can overcome all this negative with a neutral positive collective psyche. Salome

Ned Duke
Christian Brown

Would it not be of great beneficience (in many different aspects) to form a physical “Interessengruppe” community in the USA? I understand that other attempts have failed before and that each individual has their own life to attend to and that perhaps may stifle the collective will for such an action. It just seems to me that forming a physical community akin to the SSSC would be the best response to the destruction knocking at our doors. I would be interested to hear what everyone thinks about the prospects of forming a real community.

Terry Carch

URGENT! from for 9/3/18 ” Nazis on the March in Germany” by Victor Grossman As the old saying goes “History repeats itself” Keep an eagle eye on what is now happening in Germany as these extremes are stating to take shape since Billy can`t give out specific dates and timelines! Also keep a close watch on Merkle who just may turn out just as bad as Hitler or even worse!


Now look who is being political….

What is wrong with a USA deep state to begin with? The CIA and all the other secret services are tasked with keeping the USA on top. This should be a good thing for you fellow American.

Russia has a deep state too. The only difference is that Putin is part of it in conjunction with his FSB. Ask yourself why does he keep winning elections? Why are there NO liberal Russian contenders to this deep state? You make it out like the USA is the only one with sophisticated means for holding on to power? How about the Holy See? This Vatican deep state probably attacks Meier to keep their religion on top. All the strong animals in the jungle are deep stating….

Melissa Osaki


Don’t take this the wrong way, but have you really studied the Meier material in depth? And why is it that you profess to have found the truth, yet you buck almost every last thing Billy says when it comes to the U.S.? Other than saying you agree with the Spiritual Teaching, it’s like everything else went completely over your head. It’s like you choose to ignore all the reasons that the Plejaren and Billy even came to our planet.

No other country in the world has produced a world shadow government that…rules the world. The world shadow government (Deep State) is a product of the good old U.S.A.

Although I’m sure you’ll find a reason to say that the deep state isn’t that bad and that Russia is worse, here is just a small fraction of the information contained in the contact reports about the world shadow government. Salome

The so-called SOG TEAM (Special Operations Group) of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) actually exists, and that is a damned unpleasant matter of fact, because neither the SOG team nor the CIA shy away from any murder.

The CIA is the actual secret US American world government, whose headquarters, respectively, head office, is located in Langley, in the US state of Virginia.

The primary mission of this secret organisation, that functions as a secret service and is a superpower in a super-nation, is espionage, for which the US government pumps in billions of US dollars.

It can be said with a clear conscience that the CIA practically has unlimited power at its disposal and does not shy away from any crime, nor from any inhumanity.

What the “license to kill” is for the English Crown in the James Bond films, is absolute reality for the CIA, because it has a government license for unlimited mass murder.

Essentially nobody knows how many humans thereby work for the CIA, because everything is strictly secret, whereby also torture and murder are employed unhesitatingly to protect that secrecy.

Anyone can come into the crosshairs of the CIA, even the most irreproachable, because with this, the biggest of all espionage organizations and indeed also the biggest secret terror organization in the world, basically every human is suspect and his life is not safe.

Yet that is not all, because no government in the world is in a position to protect it’s citizens from the monstrous and criminal machinations of the CIA.

The CIA’s SOG team is a secret army that is equipped with every imaginable weapon, and indeed also with ones that even the US Army can only dream about.

The SOG team consists of elite soldiers recruited from the regular Army, the Air Force, as well as the Navy and the Marines and so forth, and are trained to be murder and destruction robots.

They are constantly monitored on duty during secret operations – through encoded satellite connections.

If, anywhere in the world, crimes occur through the CIA, or attacks and wars against any countries, then it is the secret army of the SOG which thoroughly prepared every attack.

Should the attack against Iran, planned since the year 2002, actually succeed, then this would therefore be secretly prepared through an SOG team in Iran, as was also the case in Afghanistan and in Iraq.

The CIA is more powerful than the entire government of the USA, which consequently in no way knows what the secret service actually does.

Not even the US President is ever notified about all that which the secret service, which has become a state-within-a-state, really undertakes and everything that is associated with that…


Please folks,

You are misunderstanding my argument. It is not political. I am trying to apply nature in understanding humans on this planet. ALL I am saying is that in my opinion, it is overpopulation that is driving humans to fight over resources. OBVIOUSLY, as fellow students of the spiritual teaching, this is wrong and Earth humans should bring down their populations immediately. The problem I see is that instead of countries pointing fingers at overpopulation for wars, famine, environmental destruction and contamination, civil wars, economic crashes, lack of economic opportunity to survive, social problems, etc. INSTEAD, human beings blame their neighbor. And in this case the USA can be a great whipping boy. Because yes we are murders and I wish I did not have to live in such a deadly country. But in many more countries around the world it is just as savage, just different problems.

Billy can look at Russia and say, “see look Russia is not trying to start a war, it is the US and dictator EU.” I agree with this. But I do not think Putin is innocent; he is just a genius, probably the smartest leader on the planet. However, this man is operating from religion. He is religious. This makes him dangerous because he is NOT logical then; and VERY LIKELY WILL someday be as murderous as any other Christian crusader when international things swing his way. And even worse he is practically forcing Christianity on his people. In other words, Russia has gone from an atheistic country, which is good, to under Putin… a Christian revival. Russia considers herself a Christian country now. AND she expects the USA to return to this to bring the USA back to God from the so-called devils in Hollywood and Washington, . Putin looks at America with her legal pot and LGBT communities, for examples, and he thinks we have been overrun by the devil. He even goes so far, even though homosexuality is technically legal in Russia, to smear the community with talk of pedophilia. AND most LGBT folks are often NON religious or even into the occult. So here is were Putin is crafty, IMO. In the USA there is a huge witch community that is not worshiping a devil, for example; then there are satanists, then there are various other occult religions that are perfectly legal and peaceful. To the Russians… they see this again as the work of the devil. It is my opinion from research beyond the Meier case that Putin is trying to SAVE America and EU by bringing them back to God. The USA is no longer “a white Christian country.” The USA recently has been moving more toward more separation of Church and State, up until Trump admin surprisingly?! I wonder what can be going on here and why Trump bashes EVERY country BUT Russian???? AND instead of a Christian country, we allow all peaceful forms of worship OR the freedom NOT to worship. We DO NOT promote one religion over another. And Americans are increasingly considering themselves “spiritual but not religious.” So the USA is moving away from religion compared to other countries; and at the same time allowing religious freedom with equal treatment; and the Russia, on the other hand is demanding Christianity. Which country would be better to reincarnate back to, for example? I thought Figu was about avoiding religion. Putin, a hypocrite like his mini me Trump, wanted a conservative Christian, not a witch, do not laugh, in the White House. For sure, the Russians must have thought that the USA was going full devil. But not really. If folks study witches and so-called Illuminati, it is ABOUT nature. Illuminati symbols, like pyramids, eyes, triangles, stars, etc., are found in the Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching, just not as refined and diverse as Billy. Witches, for example do not worship a devil or satan, but rather study the laws of nature. Where does this sound familiar?

If Russia is essentially at war with the occult, which I contend with things like pizzagate and Qanon, then this should be a concern to Figu and the rest of the world. I am entitled to my opinion, even though I have studied Meier. I agree with the spiritual teaching; but I do not always agree with Meier’s opinions of the USA and Russia for example. Until Russia, or another country, gives up religion, and functions like Billy and the Ps intend using knowledge rather than being stuck believers, no one has room to talk. It is just a matter of relatives. Russia right now can NOT go on an aggressive stance by shaking fists for war, this is retarded. Putin is MUCH smarter than this. Putin is the kind of mastermind to have his FSB study the spiritual teaching and learn the debilitating effects of religion and Christianity only to then deploy religion against an atheistic people, sending them backwards, to now be enslaved by Christianity for his control. (Please I do not want to spread conspiracy theories even if I discovered them on my own.) And to perhaps bring the USA back to Christian country to fight off the Muslims in the coming terrorist holy wars, I would imagine. That is how conservative Christian white supremacists think. This is my opinion based on putting the picture together from the links, for examples, I provided before.

Please, I support the spiritual teaching. This should be enough to be welcomed here. I don’t like every Star Wars film, for example, even though I am a HUGE fan. This can be with Meier too.



After strenuous research I have finally found the stereotypical Trump supporter. Furthermore, this would also represent the average Putin supporter, just insert Russian accent and replace the Trump dummy with Putin stand in. These hypocrites are typically confused sexually and do understand their latent homosexual tenancies.

Melissa Osaki


Do you really think that your judgment and generalizations of others makes you any better than them?


I am not better. I just admit to my hypocrisy.

Sheila Clark

Anthony I’ve seen the Podesta email in which they decided within 24 hours after Hillary lost, that they would blame Russia. Podesta never said any of his emails were tampered with either, so it is what it is. Why do you feel a need to start a war with Russia anyway?


I do not want war. I want peace. You are misunderstanding what I have been saying….

Matt Knight


I understand what you’re saying, but, Christianity is the largest religion in Russia, with nearly 50% of the population identifying themselves as Christian.

For Putin to even have power in Russia, he would need to navigate Russian cultural identities and history and Christianity has a strong hold.

You say Putin is only using Christianity to manipulate and undermine Russians, a guess at this point, but, when you listen to what he says he makes sense and is logical and emphasises the valueful aspects of Christianity; the clean and healthy living, good moral values, organic foods, less control of big pharma, building up a gold-backed national currency and he has gotten involved militarily only when invited by a country, or, when it has been in response to former semi-Russian states ignoring the majority of citizens within a district whereby separatists wanted to dominate them, militarily, again, with strings being pulled by the US and when those citizens would democratically have voted to remain as part of Russia, i.e., local conflicts.

The US, by comparison, does exactly what you suggest Putin is doing with Christianity, but, worse. They promote all the abhorrent and valueless aspects of Christianity; the racism, the division, the harsh judgment, the anti-gay, the anti-freedom, etc. Logic is thrown out the window. When I travelled the East coast of the States, it was scary how many schizophrenic Christian preachers were spouting crap on the radio about insignicant scripture relating to the political yarn of the day and constant highly-emotive rants at the Triune brain about being judged with Armageddon. I feel bad for Americans being subjected to this crap 24/7.

Dear theyflyblog – Please can you adjust your reCAPTURE as it takes ages to complete and reappears if there’s a delay making final edits.

Terry Carch

Matt I just read an article about just what is also happening in Australia too so this whole world seems to be going “DOWN THE DRAIN!” you can look it up on its next to the last article for 9/5/18


Morality does NOT stem from religion. Morality stems from the laws of nature. Logic dictates that stealing, for example, disrupts the harmony of a population and causes discord which is counter productive. Religion is a disease… no matter how you slice it.

According to your logic we should accept Christianity because it keeps people in line. The only way human beings learn is to make mistakes. A strong arm dictator or a religion cannot make folks behave. This must be decided by the individual… period.

Matt Knight

Nowhere did I say morality stemmed from religion or that religion should be supported.

Individuals are Christian, by choice in Russia and there are extreme and liberal forms of Christianity, just as there are in most religions and I don’t see Putin pushing the extreme forms that would be required for what you are suggesting he is up to and I’ve only experienced that in the US. Seems you’re projecting alot onto Putin as the partisan left mainstream media globalist agenda democrats want you to.

Obama thanked so-called God as have all the Presidents and Vice-Presidents, etc. Why not take it up religion with them in YOUR own country instead of trying to take the log out of Putin’s eye in another country that has done nothing to yours?


It is simple really. The USA is NOT a Christian country. The USA allows all peaceful religions, and those who do not worship. NO RELIGION IS PROMOTED OVER ANOTHER. All is treated equal. This is what I am saying. Russia on the other hand IS A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY!

“In Feb. 2012, while still prime minister, Putin pledged that he would defend Christianity around the world, especially among those facing persecution and the threat of civil war, such as believers in Syria.”

Matt Knight

In my opinion, your views of the USA and Russia are skewed. Russia does not defend Christianity by invading countries and you’ve clearly forgotten the Christian-defending rehetoric of tha many President’s before they INVADED Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.

Please take any future non-response from me as an indication that I think the conversation isn’t going anywhere.

Sheila Clark

Anthony try a more recent article like this one:
The evidence of the large Muslim population in Russia discredits what you’re trying to incinuate.

Matt Knight

Thanks to whoever sorted the reCAPTURE out.

It works perfectly now.

Terry Carch

Melissa It`s getting so bad that I just avoid the news altogether! All I look for is the weather reports! Even sports doesn`t interest, it never did! Some sports are just too violent for me to even watch let alone look at! I just DON`T understand all the barbarism in, politics, religions,etc,etc, etc!

Sheila Clark

Hi Terry, since laws have been passed and it’s perfectly legal for the USA media to feed the public propaganda, I don’t blame you for not watching TV. As per wikileaks all major media has a “relationship” with the CIA.
I personally get my news from truthtellers like Elizabeth Lea Vos at Disobedient Media, here’s the link:

Also Suzi Dawson another truthteller and follow the people she lists here:

Lastly you need to read Caitlyn Johnstone’s work here:

All very incredible women, beautiful hearts and minds, that mean what they say and say what they mean.

Sheila Clark

I don’t usually read the CIA news / Washington Post because it’s propaganda but made an exception this time. I can’t think of one world leader that is a good person who has the best interests of citizens as their main objective. It’s been proven by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh that Assad did not gas his own people but a big heads up as Russia is warning the US that ISIS and affiliates are staging another chemical weapon attack on Syrian citizens and this could be the catalyst that starts it. But as with everything, the more people know about it, the better.
Why stop at 706:

when there’s also 707:

and 709:

Terry Carch

Hi MH I heard about the book on Trump`s nervous breakdown coming out on TV a few hours ago I think it was Richard French on local cable TV RNN. Things don`t look good in the US Supreme Court with Trump`s choices for the next supreme court judge zis Trump`s choies for the US Suteme Cout goes through this will send the USA back into the 1930s or much much worse wnich me “NO MORE DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE! GIO FIGURE!” Where will this leave a handicapped senior citizen with multiple disabilities, NO SSD. NO Medicare etc? If this kavanaugh becomes the next supreme court judge we`ll ALL be back in the Dark Ages for sure!

Terry Carch

I think the book is called Crazy Town by Bob Woodward. It tells about what is going on behind the secerns in the Trump White house. Salome

Terry Carch

MH Sorry for the wrong title of the book by Bob Woodward the book title is FEAR. Sorry about that. Salome

Andrew Grimshaw

As long there are Beings on this little rock that over estimate their value to it and the Universe that we all find ourselves in, I’m afraid that we had best just do what we currently aren’t that we know we should be and not doing those things that we are that we know we shouldn’t be.
Wise Advice

The following will make a lot more sense and come as very handy wisdom in the future:
157. The equalisedness of the consciousness is also called , or the tranquillity of the consciousness, that is singly, entirely and fundamentally responsible that all idea formations come into being and pass away.
159. To acquire the consciousness-equalisedness and to develop inner tranquility and develop the inner life it is necessary to point out, in all explicitness and above all else, the fine-spiritual-perception of deference (honour, venerability, veneration, reverence) because only when the deference (honour, venerability, veneration, reverence) for all and everything and everyone is present in man – only then can also the equalisedness of the consciousness be found.
– Genesis.

Andrew Grimshaw

If you were wondering, it should read, “157. The equalisedness of the consciousness is also called inner, …” (apparently if you put a after a word, it doesn’t get seen)
So I see this as saying that if we have no regrets or shame about our thoughts and think about the best for all and everything (which we are but a teensy weensy part-piece of) then the thoughts will pass away and become memories that may or may not be recalled as needed, to evolve; instead of the regretful and shameful past thoughts continuously been thrown into our consciousness, to, evolve.

Terry Carch

Here is an article from for Thursday September 6th 2018 “Preventing Nuclear War: A National Campaign Emerges by Robert Dodge