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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Stopping the Psychopathic US War Machine

Demand a change in the dead-end course upon which this country has bet our future and our lives 

IMPORTANT: Billy Meier: 17,461 IS Terrorist “Sleepers” Now in Europe

While most Americans are completely unaware of it, it’s refreshing to see a head of state who can speak extemporaneously, sincerely and with clarity. From our so-called leaders to the nauseatingly pandering press, all we get is unrelenting aggression, blind ambition, superficiality and outright lies. Vladimir Putin is certainly no boy scout but he’s obviously and honestly tried to communicate to the US that he doesn’t desire to engage in the dead-end, mutually suicidal confrontation that our country relentlessly provokes and pursues.

A mildly interesting development is the consideration that presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is giving to Gen. Michael Flynn, as a possible potential vice-presidential running mate. We’ve also previously discussed the seeming reasonableness of Gen. Flynn, a quality of exceeding rarity in politics.

Unlike the Russians, Americans know nothing of the realities of having their country invaded, perhaps a dozen time or more. Yet, even today, we learn of the relentless, ongoing provocations by US backed psychopaths that could ultimately bring the first – and effectively last – invasion and utterly devastating attack on the US, fulfilling the following from the Henoch Prophecies:

217.Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.

218. The cause for this will be manifold.

219. With its global conflicts which are continuously instigated by it and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against itself, worldwide, in many countries.

220. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth.


277. America’s largest cities will be absolutely destroyed, and firestorms will cause great disaster and misery.

While we have posted Billy Meier’s unheeded warnings many times, maybe now people will realize that the global situation, those things that are unfolding right before our eyes, are and will be affecting them/us personally, in one way or another.

‪The psychopathy of politics and politicians, the delusional, insane, mind-enslaving religions have all failed to ever bring the promised, long-lasting peace. And they never will. Lest we be completely engulfed and devoured by the bottomless abyss of our own making, we must speak up now, we must contribute our thoughts and actions. However small we may feel that we and our actions may be, we must be persistent in putting them forward to do our part to stop the otherwise unstoppable, greed and power-hunger fueled lunatics.

As pointed out before, they are far smaller in number than we, the good and rational people of the world. But tragically, they understand how to use the might of their thoughts…and they do so without hesitation in pursuit of their life-destroying goals.

As good as it is to know that there are others who do share our understanding, and with whom we can communicate and commiserate, even here on this blog, it’s not enough. Certainly it’s not enough without commensurate action in the right direction.

Take action, bring this information to any and every journalist and media person, any and every concerned and like-minded person and certainly even to every and any politician…to let them know that you know, that you care and that you demand a change in the dead-end course upon which this country has bet our future and our lives.


See also:

Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS

Putin Begs Media to Wake Up

Using the World’s Military Forces to Establish Peace

Independence from US Warmongering!

An Opportunity not to Be Squandered

There Will Be No Respite

Read…and apply: The Might of the Thoughts

Thanks to David Holmes for the video update on Putin, Ukraine and NATO, etc.

Turn that Wheel Together

It’s the time for coming together

to do what’s never been done

there’s a new game to be played

a new world to be made

where there’s more than enough

enough for everyone


We have lived here together as strangers

never knowing we were notes in the same song

till someone needed help

and we gave of ourselves

and we put our hands and hearts

right back where they belong


As we turn that wheel together

nobody turns it alone

it takes the strength of every brother

to turn that wheel along


Now we’re a world of nine billion voices

each one with something special to say

and now the day begins

when everybody wins

and each of us can give

we can give in our own way


As we turn that wheel together

nobody turns it alone

it takes the strength of everybody

to turn that wheel along

Michael Horn/Jai Josefs © 1984/2000 Sounds Eternal Music




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Jacobus Kotze

I think this polarization was/is deliberately manufactured to create this artificial environment in which we find ourselves today. How can you conquer a group, a nation, a planet, if the humans are not divided? All this racism and religious hatred is only the result when fear runs amok in the human mind. People are scared,because they are programmed to be afraid of everything. Just look at the the”reality” shows you can watch on the TV nowadays, look at the news. We are being bombarded by so much fear it’s ridiculous! A nation afraid, is a nation controlled.

If you look at it from a higher perspective it probably could be compared to those canons they use to create avalanches in the Alps. Once it starts rolling, there is nothing to stop the devastation it will cause down in the valley. In my very humble opinion, 911 was that first canon shot that started the avalanche. It was the first domino that fell. Here we are in 2016 and the avalanche is still going strong, and rapidly growing in strength.

Something positive that could be said however, is that the preparations for the planned war does not seem to be going as smoothly as expected. Somebody is throwing a spanner in the works of that rusty old war machine and I can almost hear the gears grinding…yes, I love that sound.

Terry Carch

Guys here are 4 Articles from that sound to me like a ticking time bomb! 1. US-NATO Border Confrontation with Russia Risking Nuclear War By Michael Hudson and Jessica Desvorieux 2. Obama Calls for Peace and Comity at Home But Favors Wa and Killer Drones By Dave Lindorff 3. “Close Your heart Pity”: a Security State critic Embraces Total War By Crhis Floyd 4.”Making a Mockery of International Law”: the Arbitral Tribrunal on the South China Sea Preparares the Way for War By KJ Noth from for July 19th, 2016.

Philip Brandel

Hhmm would be a nice thought but does not correspond to reality in my humble opinion, the gearing up for war, unrest, chaos we currently find ourselves in. Though we may find the best in ourselves, our individual created surroundings, the reality of humanity’s created world shows an entirely different picture.
At least where I am from people are armed to the teeth! It is a newer occurrence and one that could be attributed and started with the Sandy Hook incident here in America? Where the population began to feverishly ‘stock up’ on all manors of death, destruction, chaos.
US arms exports(which in house think is astronomical more!) have increased 27% in five years! Compared to what that represents and that the US has always been the leader in this regard, for centuries…. the world is utterly gearing up, filling stocks, flooding weapons and systems onto the world. And who would guess that Saudi Arabia has increased it military spending in the same 5 year period(2011-2015) by 275%!
As we may all hope for the best in our world, behind us it is preparing for great turmoil on many levels and fronts….. one thing is sure to me, the United States of America is going to be ground zero in the not so distant future, based on all aspects of her gearing up for things of her own fruition.

Philip Brandel
Jacobus Kotze

It is almost unfathomable what is about to be unleashed. This is it, isn’t it? With all this modern weaponry, a world war will only lead to massive worldwide nuclear contamination that will haunt the survivors for millennia to come.These people in power are so utterly degenerated and braindead, that it boggles the mind to think that this planet is about to experience an episode of such barbaric proportions, that it will surely go down in history as a lesson to the cosmos, to other civilizations, that when you trample on the laws of rationality, of logic, when you trample on the laws of Creation, the result will be catastrophic.

I don’t know what else to say really.

John Jacobson

Jacobus, why do you think it is what it is, and what realistically can be done about it?


Ptaah 24. The Western and so-called free countries also carry very much guilt for inciting the hate and negative propaganda against the Eastern countries and also the southern countries in Africa and America, also unfortunately in leading murderous underground wars.
25. The greatest screamers and damage bringers are thereby the Americans as well as the Germans, next to various others and principally Western countries, that take it that they must make themselves the directors/rulers and rebukers/remonstrators of the Eastern countries, next to which certain Western powers in an underground manner in the Eastern lands defame and derail their governments with infamy, and through intrigues they stir up the people against their governments and sow disharmony in any form they are able to.
26. So everything would unfortunately change again, and one day again evil and bloody wars will thereby come about. 27. Especially America is in this regard active in very many evil forms, as this already has been since old times. 28. These people, with few exceptions of reasonable and actually truth seeking people, have, to this day, never learned to seek and to find truthful knowledge and true truth and true love and true honest peace. 29. Very many people in America are only directed in their inner place towards profit and power, and indeed at any price. It’s all the same if human life, friendships or animals and nature would be destroyed. “”

Well, I saw this KIND of behave our all my live, on my skin, and my country, ex Yugoslavia. US was involved in all that you can imagine, and not imagine. But TODAY is the same story. US meddling in Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine etc…etc..

I want to underline that this is human shortcoming as a PRINCIPLE. Not US as a specific fault. The same story we have seen for Atlantis, but moreover even in the past with all the falling empires, such as ASyria, Persia, Babylon etc.

On the individual level I can see this even on many people in the Balkan area. So called Taykoons, or the wealthy ones (which have stolen out the public property into their hands). They are arrogant, they kill other people try proxies, they skim, make conflicts, and than profit, etc.
It just same old, same old story. This will never stop, AS WE CAN SEE IN TURKEY (us involvement) till the country of origin is destroyed FROM WITHIN, by this mentality and approach. People are just very bad learners from history, and they go to the exam again, and again. Us is in illusion if think that is isolated by world events, and can do everything on foreign ground. Now the whole middle east Islamic world HATES US – from two days ago, EVEN TURKEY, which was US ally. All of Slavic world today and even more in the future when Russia is attacked will HATE US. All south America HATES US. Well, when conflict starts on global level even China will be on this list. How can you live peacefully if everybody hates your country action. This negative energy will manifest itself try – WHAT BILLY states, as Natural catastrophes, civil wars, and many many other evils. As we go to the future this process will fasten itself, because of the media and internet information. More hate, more anger, more wars. At the end all humanity will make cirlcle and will learn that its ways are not the best ways. Must reform, must change mentality and values. If you ask me, religions make even worst, and they must be changed and reformed, from Rome to Meka, something new must be introduced.


I want to underline here something. Actual falling of US will START from the moment that will attack Russia, and that will be around 2018 (we have our oracles here :-))) . Preparations for this actions are on WAY, and here in the Eastern Europe we are seeing this for the last two years. Turkey REGIME CHANGE was a part of this scenario. And be sure that till 2018 Erdogan will be overthrown…
Russia is somehow a barrier, a state that provide some balance in this world. Every country that have attacked Russia lost its power. EVEN IF IT WON the war, it doesn’t matter. There many reasons for this, which I will not go into.

John Jacobson

Hi Boromir, what else did your oracles say about the near future? Thanks.

John Jacobson

“Trumps numbers with the masses will rise again and this will piss off Obama. This is 1 step closer again to elections being cancelled.” The election will not be cancelled.

Jacobus Kotze

I did not say grind to a halt, just grind, like the sound a gearbox would make if you accidentally put it in reverse while going hundred miles an hour. But who knows? Honestly, I don’t think the US will archive their grand plan of world domination. They will achieve some of it, but not all of it.The information about their very ambitious mad idea got out too early for that to happen. What makes it even more unlikely, is that these power hungry morons seem to be behind schedule which could possibly cause more blunders and unforeseen setbacks along the way, as they totter forward like a deluded brood of headless chicken high on crack. The lust for power and arrogance of the US/NATO/EU will be their downfall. (In my humble opinion)

Billy Wilson

When dealing with information given to the public by the USA, one has to check the fine print and look for all of the possible means of the words used.
” Iran is now working with the United States and China to reconfigure the Arak Heavy Water Reactor to largely eliminate plutonium production. And it has reduced its heavy water stockpile to less than 130 tons, as the deal mandates, by shipping excess stock out of the country for storage.
After the deal was concluded, the DOE realized that buying some of the heavy water also makes sense, says U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. The United States relinquished its own production capacity in 1981, when DOE shuttered a heavy water plant at Savannah River National Laboratory in Georgia to save money. These days, Canada and India satisfy most of the global demand for nonnuclear uses, about 100 tons a year, by distilling heavy water from feed water, like brandy from wine. A single pound of reactor-grade heavy water, which is 99.75% D2O, requires a staggering 340,000 pounds of purified feed water. U.S. buyers snap up about 75%, and appetite is increasing. “Heavy water has been on our radar screen for some time,” says a DOE official.
The heavy water purchase could open the floodgates to other collaborations with Iran. ”
Billy Wilson

John Jacobson

I’m watching the Republican national convention. Wow. Most of the people speaking for the states look retarded, and say such stupid things. Most Americans are weird and dumb people. No wonder they are so war-like, stupid people do stupid things!

John Jacobson

Wow, very well said Michael. I agree so much with that. I have done some world traveling, 10 countries, people are different there. They seem more friendly and peaceful. America is for sure the most racist one, and I guess the most war-like one. Too bad. Some day they will get what they have coming.

John Jacobson

I know. I think I might leave the USA soon, maybe.

John Jacobson

After the Revolutionary War against England, below is where Americans started to think that war is the answer to their problems.


The founding fathers on that rock (Mount Rushmore) shared common characteristics. All four valued white supremacy and promoted the extirpation of Indian society. The United States’ founding fathers were staunchly anti-Indian advocates in that at one time or another, all four provided for genocide against Indian peoples of this hemisphere.

George Washington…
In 1779, George Washington instructed Major General John Sullivan to attack Iroquois people. Washington stated, “lay waste all the settlements around…that the country may not be merely overrun, but destroyed”. In the course of the carnage and annihilation of Indian people, Washington also instructed his general not “listen to any overture of peace before the total ruin of their settlements is effected”. (Stannard, David E. AMERICAN HOLOCAUST. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. pp. 118-121.)

In 1783, Washington’s anti-Indian sentiments were apparent in his comparisons of Indians with wolves: “Both being beast of prey, tho’ they differ in shape”, he said. George Washington’s policies of extermination were realized in his troops behaviors following a defeat. Troops would skin the bodies of Iroquois “from the hips downward to make boot tops or leggings”. Indians who survived the attacks later re-named the nation’s first president as “Town Destroyer”. Approximately 28 of 30 Seneca towns had been destroyed within a five year period. (Ibid)

Thomas Jefferson…
In 1807, Thomas Jefferson instructed his War Department that, should any Indians resist against America stealing Indian lands, the Indian resistance must be met with “the hatchet”. Jefferson continued, “And…if ever we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe, ” he wrote, “we will never lay it down till that tribe is exterminated, or is driven beyond the Mississippi.” Jefferson, the slave owner, continued, “in war, they will kill some of us; we shall destroy all of them”. (Ibid)

In 1812, Jefferson said that American was obliged to push the backward Indians “with the beasts of the forests into the Stony Mountains”. One year later Jefferson continued anti-Indian statements by adding that America must “pursue [the Indians] to extermination, or drive them to new seats beyond our reach”. (Ibid)

Abraham Lincoln…

In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln ordered the execution, by hanging, of 38 Dakota Sioux prisoners in Mankato, Minnesota. Most of those executed were holy men or political leaders of their camps. None of them were responsible for committing the crimes they were accused of. Coined as the Largest Mass Execution in U.S. History. (Brown, Dee. BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1970. pp. 59-61)

Theodore Roosevelt…
The fourth face you see on that “Stony Mountain” is America’s first twentieth century president, alleged American hero, and Nobel peace prize recipient, Theodore Roosevelt. This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America’s extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands “was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable”. Roosevelt once said, “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth”. (Stannard, Op.Cit.)

The apathy displayed by these founding fathers symbolize the demoralization related to racial superiority. Scholars point toward this racial polarization as evidence of the existence of Eugenics.

Eugenics is a new term for an old phenomena which asserts that Indian people should be exterminated because they are an inferior race of people. Jefferson’s suggestion to pursue the Indians to extermination fits well into the eugenistic vision. In David Stannard’s study American Holocaust, he writes: “had these same words been enunciated by a German leader in 1939, and directed at European Jews, they would be engraved in modern memory. Since they were uttered by one of America’s founding fathers, however…they conveniently have become lost to most historians in their insistent celebration of Jefferson’s wisdom and humanity.” Roosevelt feared that American upper classes were being replaced by the “unrestricted breeding” of inferior racial stocks, the “utterly shiftless”, and the “worthless” (Ibid)

Jacobus Kotze

MH, very interesting info about what your friend had to say about the drama in Turkey and the BLM movement. Thanks for that.

Billy Wilson

Now for countries in the United Nation they are being forced into a combat role much like NATO, and the requiring of police to fire on their own citizens. At times of unrest. which was given no definition for what is unrest.

Sheila Clark

Hi Billy, when it comes to the UN commander Romeo Dallaire’s pathetic role, the man who did nothing during the Rwandan genocide, who relied on New York bureaucrats instead of using his own head, this actually means something.

Andrew Grimshaw

This is capable of stopping a bit.

US can’t keep pace with Russian submarine deployments – top Navy official

A bit of equalizing

Billy Wilson

The July 2016 Warsaw Poland NATO the 2 percent military tax of a country’s GDP is on track. “U.S. Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, EUCOM commander and NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe, emphasized to an audience at last week’s Aspen Security Forum that European countries, as well as the United States, have an obligation to spend at least 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense.” Article by Matthew Cox

david gustafson

For those who do not want to add yet another email and password just to view and article can see here as well.

Billy Wilson

Democracy spread at the barrel of the gun.
$40 billion worth of small-arms related contracts the Pentagon has awarded
AOAV maintains that its analysis of these small arms contracts offer “insight into the lack of transparency surrounding small arms bought by the US government and given to Iraq and Afghanistan – many of which the US government has lost track of.”

A total of 79 companies were recipients of these small arms-related contracts that include everything from battle rifles to optics to ammunition. Ten companies won contracts that combined were worth 65 percent of the total DoD published contracts. Here are the top 10:

Alliant Techsystems – $21,977,118,613 (101 contracts);
DRS Technologies Inc. – $3,251,224,478 (8 contracts);
BAE Systems Inc. – $2,761,670,581 (8 contracts);
Knight’s Armament Co. – $1,782,974,456 (15 contracts);
General Dynamics – $1,626,048,701 (36 contracts).
Colt’s Manufacturing Company – Total Value: $1,372,567,795
FN Herstal – Total Value: $995,194,319
Insight Technologies Inc. – Total Value: $790,071,945
Olin Corp – Total Value: $ 612,415,840
American Ordnance LLC. – Total Value: $483,022,354


I think it is quite plain to see, who has killed the highest number of people and invaded the most country in recent history? In the name of peace? The American people have become so deluded that they can not see that they are now the world oppressors who threaten to destroy any country and it people if they show a flash of defiance, they are the biggest and meanest bully in the yard. It is like beating a child to show them violence is bad. America will start WW 111 in the name of peace and I think it is only Americans who are stupid enough to not see it coming. America needs to be held accountable for it war crimes. STOP THE USA WAR MACHINE.