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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Stopping the Psychopathic US War Machine

Demand a change in the dead-end course upon which this country has bet our future and our lives 

IMPORTANT: Billy Meier: 17,461 IS Terrorist “Sleepers” Now in Europe

While most Americans are completely unaware of it, it’s refreshing to see a head of state who can speak extemporaneously, sincerely and with clarity. From our so-called leaders to the nauseatingly pandering press, all we get is unrelenting aggression, blind ambition, superficiality and outright lies. Vladimir Putin is certainly no boy scout but he’s obviously and honestly tried to communicate to the US that he doesn’t desire to engage in the dead-end, mutually suicidal confrontation that our country relentlessly provokes and pursues.

A mildly interesting development is the consideration that presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is giving to Gen. Michael Flynn, as a possible potential vice-presidential running mate. We’ve also previously discussed the seeming reasonableness of Gen. Flynn, a quality of exceeding rarity in politics.

Unlike the Russians, Americans know nothing of the realities of having their country invaded, perhaps a dozen time or more. Yet, even today, we learn of the relentless, ongoing provocations by US backed psychopaths that could ultimately bring the first – and effectively last – invasion and utterly devastating attack on the US, fulfilling the following from the Henoch Prophecies:

217.Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.

218. The cause for this will be manifold.

219. With its global conflicts which are continuously instigated by it and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against itself, worldwide, in many countries.

220. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth.


277. America’s largest cities will be absolutely destroyed, and firestorms will cause great disaster and misery.

While we have posted Billy Meier’s unheeded warnings many times, maybe now people will realize that the global situation, those things that are unfolding right before our eyes, are and will be affecting them/us personally, in one way or another.

‪The psychopathy of politics and politicians, the delusional, insane, mind-enslaving religions have all failed to ever bring the promised, long-lasting peace. And they never will. Lest we be completely engulfed and devoured by the bottomless abyss of our own making, we must speak up now, we must contribute our thoughts and actions. However small we may feel that we and our actions may be, we must be persistent in putting them forward to do our part to stop the otherwise unstoppable, greed and power-hunger fueled lunatics.

As pointed out before, they are far smaller in number than we, the good and rational people of the world. But tragically, they understand how to use the might of their thoughts…and they do so without hesitation in pursuit of their life-destroying goals.

As good as it is to know that there are others who do share our understanding, and with whom we can communicate and commiserate, even here on this blog, it’s not enough. Certainly it’s not enough without commensurate action in the right direction.

Take action, bring this information to any and every journalist and media person, any and every concerned and like-minded person and certainly even to every and any politician…to let them know that you know, that you care and that you demand a change in the dead-end course upon which this country has bet our future and our lives.


See also:

Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS

Putin Begs Media to Wake Up

Using the World’s Military Forces to Establish Peace

Independence from US Warmongering!

An Opportunity not to Be Squandered

There Will Be No Respite

Read…and apply: The Might of the Thoughts

Thanks to David Holmes for the video update on Putin, Ukraine and NATO, etc.

Turn that Wheel Together

It’s the time for coming together

to do what’s never been done

there’s a new game to be played

a new world to be made

where there’s more than enough

enough for everyone


We have lived here together as strangers

never knowing we were notes in the same song

till someone needed help

and we gave of ourselves

and we put our hands and hearts

right back where they belong


As we turn that wheel together

nobody turns it alone

it takes the strength of every brother

to turn that wheel along


Now we’re a world of nine billion voices

each one with something special to say

and now the day begins

when everybody wins

and each of us can give

we can give in our own way


As we turn that wheel together

nobody turns it alone

it takes the strength of everybody

to turn that wheel along

Michael Horn/Jai Josefs © 1984/2000 Sounds Eternal Music




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Jacobus Kotze

John Jacobson,

I feel your pain brother. Being Irish with all that religious hatred and devision going on… it cannot be easy.

Sometimes you just have to accept the difficulties of being a white male and take it on the chin.

Peace out.

Tony Quinn

I’m Irish, who else is Irish? Jacobus or John?

Sheila Clark

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, that’s my name too.
Whenever I go out, the people always shout John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt lalalalalalala.

Andrew Grimshaw

So what has to happen is that when all the people that have weapons, make weapons or are destructive in certain ways to the rest of their fellows, are asleep, we sneak in and take the weapons!
And when they wake up we point the weapons at them and say, “Hah Hah, now get over there, and stay there!”

All they will be given is the truthful education to educate themselves and toilet paper!

Billy Wilson

The military industrial complex knows how to hire the best. “The former defense officials appeared Wednesday at a Senate Appropriations Committee panel to testify on the need to fund a new long-range stand-off cruise missile that would carry a nuclear warhead.

The two said the new weapon system would not violate the terms of any current arms treaty and is necessary to continue to deter any potential adversary from launching a nuclear strike against the U.S. or its allies.” Some way they must learn the weapons are the enemy.
Billy Wilson

Philip Brandel

It is amazing on one hand countries like Russia truly fight the scourge of fanatical groups such as isil, and on the other is in so many ways vilified almost to the same degree by the ‘west’. In what countries does terrorism continue to happen, such as today in Nice, France? Surely not in Russia? Whom as it would seem have taken a real fight against these groups as the ‘west’, the saviors of Russian aggression will even more stupidly let their enemies walk through the back door. Russia probably knows all it has to do is wait it out… as the ‘west’ implodes from within, for multiple reasons(many fold). Better to look for friends at this point, instead of creating more enemies. Such striving for chaos shows how much we all have been lied to, and how far gone our western leaders have lead us on a global scale.
It is heart aching to know what could be done with this fanatical religious scourge plaguing our world… and not watching it happen. Is more important now more than ever to be the change one wants to see, and find and come together with like minded people….

Philip Brandel

What a day it will be when humanity finally sees the power that lies within the individual, and his/her thoughts, consciousness….
One of the better things that seems to be holding up, like many others is the dirt ball female leaders we will have before the real ones come to leadership, and steer all of humanity towards peace. Seems we must learn the hard way first, a trait of our world to make the same mistakes over and over and expect different, better results?
Things have slowly been ramping up and hope people have been preparing their lives for what is coming to us all, at the present course, plain as day….

Andrew Grimshaw

Crikey & Strewth
“The review, which will last up to 18 months,”
Are we sure that’s enough time?
Are we sure there will be anyone left to read the report?

Billy Wilson

Alexandr Buzgalin from Mossco U discusses Russias ‘Jurassic Park capitalism’
Why is the Capitalist West Fighting with Capitalist Russia? He covers all the points the northern bases, nato, middle east and the growing military-industrial complex on both sides.
Billy Wilson

John Jacobson

217.Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction. – How and why will that happen Michael?

John Jacobson

I did. Can you explain it a little better? Are they talking about a Russian nuclear attack, Chinese? What?

John Jacobson

Ok, EAST – so Russia, China, Iran, Muslim nations? Obviously, someone is going to attack and destroy the whole country. Those prophecies look like they are coming true. France is getting hit hard, and the US and NATO keep on provoking Russia. Iran and N.Korea are nuts. What do you think? Honestly, can it be avoided at this point?

John Jacobson

I don’t think that will happen. The USA wants world domination through war. Like you said, Psychopathic US War Machine. World “leaders” don’t like or trust Putin. Seriously, can’t you see that Nato is preparing for war with Russia. Putin knows that. Watch this short video –

matt lee

Let’s just step back for a tick and give credit where credit is due.
We are fortunate enough to be living in the future and to come to know it therefore being able to discuss it because of Billy.
A host of other recommendations by billy accompanying the prophecies should be sensible enough to be followed.

John Jacobson

Like what?

matt lee

Can anybody possibly think of anythings else that was excluded out of the Henoch Prophecies that we can consider talking about.
I mean why are all the prophecies focused on this particular era when plenty of other years awaits us.
Apart from CR 251 all other prophecies including Petaled is centered around this era.

John Jacobson

You don’t see the H.Prophecies fulfilling themselves today? This is one example of many that they are. – 179. After the turn of the millennium, the papacy will exist only a short period.
180. Pope John Paul II is the third from last in this position. 181. After him, only one additional pontificate will follow. 182. Then a Pontifex Maximus follows who will be known as Petrus Romanus. 183. Under his religious rule, the end of the Catholic Church will come, a total collapse becoming inevitable.
184. That will be the beginning of the worst catastrophe that will ever have befallen the human beings and the Earth.

John Jacobson

Right, and the Pope will be 80 in December. How long can he live 90? We are certainly living in the days of the H.Prophecies. To me, it’s the most important topic. You see them manifest everyday on TV.

Tyler Rutland

The actual pope’s name is Francis, not Romanus.
Now way is it a hidden name, or any kind of conspiracy. I looked it up. Petrus and Romanus are both common names there in Rome, although in the US lots of people try to make a conspiracy theory that “Petrus Romanus” secretly means “Pope Francis”. And, after the Plejarens gave us the whole prophecy in clear words, no way would they choose that ONE thing to obscure and give us an exhausting headache to try and unravel a mystery box.
Some things did change, so imo we should focus on keeping up with the changes, and not get our heads stuck in the text.

Tyler Rutland

*No way is it a hidden name, or any kind of conspiracy – is what I meant to type.

Billy Wilson

75 million humans placed under Martial Law in Turkey in under 4 hours by military forces. Nato and the EU getting another test of equipment locked in closed borders. The military created Turkey and are now taking it back.
Billy Wilson

John Jacobson

Michael, what do you think about what happened in Nice, France?

John Jacobson

Ok, makes sense. Thanks.

John Jacobson

According to the H. Prophecies a lot more Islamic terrorism is coming to France, right?

John Jacobson

Wow. All over the world. People will get killed by these religious fools worldwide. Damn. People in power better start listening to Meier somehow someway. I think when Hillary is president she will bomb the hell out of them. I heard she’s a mean b*tch. Is there any movement towards an international military force in America?

John Jacobson

Oh, Hillary will be president, the fix is in. I’ve studied that one hard. Wow. War with Russia? Damn. That will lead to the end, WW3. We better keep an eye on the Pope, The big cheese, if he moves out of Rome, all hell will break loose. What’s the main reason people don’t listen to Meier?

John Jacobson

What’s the main reason people don’t listen to Meier? Is it because of a conspiracy against him? Or because he says there’s no God. Or because of what?

John Jacobson

That’s what I thought. There’s a vicious conspiracy against him. Probably religious idiots doing it.

John Jacobson

My friends and family aren’t interested in Meier. They’re too busy partying, watching movies and tv.

Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day John,
Here’s a few lines from the predictions of Jeremia:
“Legions of soldiers and fanatics obsessed with terror will massacre innumerable innocent human beings, and the cult believers will persecute and strangle anyone who seeks and recognizes the truth. Hatred and delusional belief in god, vindictiveness, cruelty, mercilessness and vandalism will be a part of each and everybody. The world will reverberate from a powerful and merciless war cry, and cities will be destroyed, and the blood of human beings will flow in streams. And the reward for the prophet of the new time’s exposure of truth will be, that he, as all prophets in all times, will not be recognized. He will be slandered, denied, his life treacherously threatened and attacked, and he will be slandered and hindered in spreading his words of truth by evil machinations. Also many evil persons, liars and frauds will steal his words of truth and his teaching, alter and falsify them in their favour as never before a prophet had to endure. The ones, who lack any sense of honour will belittle his honour, lay claim to this honour themselves, and unlawfully gain a big profit from this.”
futureofmankind co uk -> Contact Report 229.

John Jacobson

Andrew, WOW, that’s a prediction? So it must happen. Sounds pretty bad for the world and for Billy. We are living in horrible times. Why are people so evil? I’ve asked myself that so many times. It doesn’t make sense. People are just people. Everyone should be decent and treat others the way the want to be treated. It really is simple to understand. Why are people evil like that? Is it the religions that make them hate so much? What is it?

Andrew Grimshaw

It all boils down to the might of the thoughts.
So as to have power, the ones that do have the knowledge,
don’t allow others to have the knowledge.
Unless of course you’re a prophet or can think with the
knowledge the prophet has shared.
Good days lay ahead, after much learning.

John Jacobson

Andrew, so your saying that people have to think better. I think there has to be conspiracies designed to keep people stupid, ignorant and evil. There are people controlling everything important in this world, like the educational system, the media, and the institutions. I think people are programmed like a computer to be evil.

John Jacobson

Michael, you said,”If Clinton becomes president it will only guarantee that we’ll be involved in war with Russia…” Can you please explain that statement. What will she do or say that causes that?

Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day John
Yes we need to think better, or as I like to look at it, think correctly.
We find ourselves in a Universe of opposite poles, negative and positive, which is necessary to have movement, it’s a quantum mechanics and electromagnetic thing, a fine-fluidial spiritual energy underlying the coarse material energy.
If thought precedes all feelings and actions, then I think we need to learn how to think in the, coarse material/slowed down energy, before we are let loose with our thoughts in the underlying energy, or we might upset a few more advanced Universes and be sent to the time out corner for like, forever.
BEAM teaches about neutral-positive-equalized thinking. We all must master this.

And yes there definitely is a Dark Order at work on this planet (use the search box here to search for Dark Order). I think we are up against Zionists, my opinion only and labelled thoroughly as such.

Also, head over to futureofmankind co uk and search for Giza Intelligences.
Sorry I can’t post hyperlinks here to make it easier for you for reasons unbeknown to both myself and MH, probably due to my web browsing history and the TPP. 😉

John Jacobson

Ok, thanks a lot Andrew. I found this on Future O. M. Makes sense to me. It seems people in the USA don’t have much interest in spiritual matters. Sounds like America leads the world in evil ways. Maybe the Dark Order lives here.

Ptaah 24. The Western and so-called free countries also carry very much guilt for inciting the hate and negative propaganda against the Eastern countries and also the southern countries in Africa and America, also unfortunately in leading murderous underground wars.
25. The greatest screamers and damage bringers are thereby the Americans as well as the Germans, next to various others and principally Western countries, that take it that they must make themselves the directors/rulers and rebukers/remonstrators of the Eastern countries, next to which certain Western powers in an underground manner in the Eastern lands defame and derail their governments with infamy, and through intrigues they stir up the people against their governments and sow disharmony in any form they are able to.
26. So everything would unfortunately change again, and one day again evil and bloody wars will thereby come about. 27. Especially America is in this regard active in very many evil forms, as this already has been since old times. 28. These people, with few exceptions of reasonable and actually truth seeking people, have, to this day, never learned to seek and to find truthful knowledge and true truth and true love and true honest peace. 29. Very many people in America are only directed in their inner place towards profit and power, and indeed at any price. It’s all the same if human life, friendships or animals and nature would be destroyed.

Ian Perry

Politically correctness gone mad. Unfair what they just did to Gen. Michael Flynn.


Ian Perry

sorry that was just discovered the real reason for his firing from 2014

Jacobus Kotze

Tony Quinn,

Yes, I’m part Irish, part Jewish and part African with a little bit of French and Chinese.

John Jacobson


John Jacobson

Wow Michael! How likely is the following to all come true?

Civil wars and anarchy in America

Yet the misery on Earth will continue, as two terrible civil wars will break out in America, whereby one will follow the other. Afterwards, the United States of America will break apart and deadly hostility will prevail among her, which then leads to the division into five different territories; and it cannot be prevented that sectarian fanatics will play a dictatorial role.

John Jacobson

Damn! That sounds pretty bad. I might have to leave this country before that happens. Maybe I’ll go to Africa somewhere, find a pretty girl, and chill out.

John Jacobson

Michael, do you have any kind of a time frame on that last one?

John Jacobson

So when the Big Potato leaves Rome very bad things could start, right?

Don Schneider

Also that division or polarization is according to some covert and even overt evidence being created to feed the narrative. The unsuspecting public in the USA along with NATO allies will rubber-stamp the rush to WW3/4. Whether it’s Hilary or Trump I get the distinct impression were looking at 2 sides of the coin. Hillary no doubt could be worse, but Trump is an unknown quantity. Sadly in both cases they both are bad choices and will be mere yes men.
Getting back to the furthering of division in this country like the BLM movement, white supremacy groups and the militant groups that pit race against race, class against
class etc. There’s this purposely pushed narrative by the MSM in the west to scare us into believing we are deeper trouble than the actual truth may prove out. Just recently read a statistic that overall shootings in the US have gone down remarkably in the last 5 years but the over reporting and MSN coverage of those same events has gone up 400% during that same time frame. The manipulation of the public is upticking by just by the increased coverage alone, leading many to fear and endorse any form of push back as the election draws near. We have a whole generation of people in the west that are dumbed down to casually or angrily accept opinions be spewed daily as fact. True investigative journalism in mainstream media doesn’t exist. There’s also a pattern that seems to be developing in all these mass shootings and killings recently in Nice France, Orlando,
Dallas, Baton Rouge that may be manipulated to appear as Lone Wolf attacks which have many similarities to each other.
Now I’m not saying that do to cause and effect that US meddling, stealing of resources, regime toppling in the Middle East has not brought Islamist extremism to our allies countries( France, Belgium) including our own. The covert manipulations of events here and abroad is to force a war with Russia via an invasion into Iran, Syria. This will no doubt draw China into the conflict which is straight out of Henoch Prophecies, WW3 we can’t allow. Stopping the flow of immigrants across US borders so we don’t end up like
Germany means no illegal immigrants period. Also putting a reasonable limits on all legal immigrants which should include no economic refugees also. Without doing this it will quickly worsen to cause economic collapse and more division and violence domestically. Included in the above link is a compelling documentary discussing the details of NATO’s secret army used to redirect political interests.