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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


Powers that be show they KNOW Billy Meier’s COVID-19 info is REAL truth

NY Post, WHO Confirm Meier on Asymptomatic COVID-19 Carriers

There’s not much more to be said. While the censors at FB will probably heed the impeccably accurate information on COVID-19 from Meier and the Plejaren – to protect themselves and their families- they don’t want you to…be troubled with such distractions.

No matter. There’s no “outsmarting” the prophecies and the law of cause and effect unfailingly delivers the consequences of our actions unto us…for better or worse. So, let’s focus on doing what we can for the…better.

See also:

…and all the blogs between the above and:

Harsh Truth from Plejaren About SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

Yes, the people were warned…now will we listen?

Available as a DVD or direct download!

The book you need to read…now:

The Might of the Thoughts

Get It Here!


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It’s getting real now!

Mark Weatherly

Tried to leave a comment the FIGU Discussion Board, but could not because I am not a register user or a moderator. I have a forthcoming comment in which I will go into detail about the censorship of this blog. Regards, Mark Weatherly

Beth Litke

This was just successfully posted in facebook.

Patty Fletcher

Hi Michael, I just put this blog on my facebook, people are saying they can see it! Let’s see how long it will be before it is blocked! Just maybe they had a change of heart/mind….hopefully they have!

Chris Lock

FB is going bonkers. They just banned the news of the Australian, Angelina Arora, who recently developed a plastic from outer shrimp skins that I posted. The FB auto response implied it was incorrect I formation. FB get your act together and stop being anti ecological and suppressing accurate news. Just watch Angelina’s TED talk at Sydney University!

Luis Sanchez

Moving forward I’m shutting my phone for the next 30 days. I will focus the spiritual teachings it has been my companion in all times, and will be in all epochs. Stay safe everyone Salome

Dolly Worby

I posted this blog on FB on Sunday March 14. It was there till Tues afternoon. Around 3:30, I received a noticed saying, ” Your post goes against our community standards, so only you can see it”. I posted it twice, because I didn’t think it went through the first time. My friends read it.
What in the world do they mean by this when thousands of people are losing their lives!?

Tony Vasquez - Astrologer

COVID-19 can be a very deadly virus, and nobody should be trying to downplay the severity of it. By now, you have probably heard a lot of stupid skeptics and lying people trying to convince you that COVID-19 is not that dangerous, because the flu has killed far more people this winter. And that is true. But what they aren’t telling you, is that the death rate from the flu is extremely low. Tens of thousands of Americans die from the flu each year, but if this coronavirus continues to spread all over the planet the way that it is, the death toll will be in the tens of millions. This coronavirus outbreak is only in the very early stages, and if it becomes as widespread as the flu, it will become a public health crisis, a worldwide pandemic, unlike anything we have ever faced in modern times! Ptaah/Billy said, “How long the corona virus will remain active is not foreseeable at the present time. However, it can already be established that it will probably not diminish with the rising temperatures. Influenza and some other viruses react sensitively to warmer external temperatures, and therefore usually diminish in spring and during the summer months, which means they become inactive. Observations in regard to the coronavirus speak against this dependence on the ambient temperature, because it does not only appear aggressively in the colder regions of our planet, but also in Southeast Asia and, for example, in Australia and other warmer countries.”
So, we’re in it for the long haul! I’m doom and gloom about it. I’m not pessimistic, or optimistic, I’m realistic. I’m clearly seeing reality around me. So far, nothing can stop it. It’s a perfectly designed bioweapon for mass murder! Many scientists in many countries have said that, after their independent analysis of it. The Ps have said it’s a bioweapon. It looks like millions will die. Be very careful, especially if you’re one of the elderly! It looks like they (Illuminati/CIA) are trying to get rid of the old and sick. That’s my opinion. Also, the world economy and the US economy will crash like never before. Almost every US state has shut down all non essential businesses. Millions are out of work. Panic and crime will rise. Millions will suffer financially and go broke. I think this pandemic will last at least a year. If you’re not already, get very serious about this virus. Do whatever you can to fight it! Don’t spread it. Stay away from people. Anyone can be infected with it by now!

Carles Farré Riu

Hello, I write from Catalonia (Spain), I discovered the organization FIGU about 3 years ago, , later I discovered your website and the blog, with the translations into English and also into Spanish, the Figu’s writings, since then, I made a personal commitment to the
Billt Meier’s mission , within my limited capacity, spreading the page among my contacts, but above all, the population problems, which has cost me a lot of a discussions in which they wanted to pass me off as a racist, Nazi, etc.

Almost a year ago, I decided to become a subscriber to
Catalan’s newspaper in which different political personalities related to the autonomous government of Catalonia have also subscribed. I have to say that Catalonia is one of the most important autonomous communities in Spain, and the one with the most resources economics contributes to whole country, and also the most fiscally mistreated, which is why are nowadays, more and more citizens of Catalonia who want to become independentfrom Spain

Having said this, the main reason I became a subscriber, was to alert as far as possible of the consequences of overpopulation, including pandemics. Just over 2 months ago, we had a storm that severely affected the coast. from the Mediterranean Sea and part of the interior of the country, and now we are immersed in the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic, which in all of Spain is on the way to being like Italy.

In the newspaper’s forum of opinion, I put the link of his page, to alert that the estimates such as the incubation period of the virus, fell short for exemple. I also put Paath’s conversation with Billy about the subject, but in Spanish, to that all readers understand, the problem is that the majority of the population are very skeptical in this matter

This is the link of The newspaper:

And this one of the links that I usually used to show to argue the problem of constant increase of the overpopulation, and how we are going ti the collapse, of course, its greater, but this counter is highly effective and shocking for the people:

John R Bryant

Yes. All of the Theyfly blog posts that I shared were removed with the ‘Against our community standards’ message. They can’t handle the truth.

Sheila Clark

Everyone should keep track of FB banning so in the future there can be a class action lawsuit against FB for negligence. The definition of negligence is knowing information that can save lives, but doing nothing with that information. Plus start threatening FB with this. This worked with my provinces health services. Be proactive.

Sheila Clark

The only thing Anonymous is wrong about is the up to 3 months incubation period in which children and pets may be asymptomatic but still spreading it.

Al Jedd

Hi Michael
Yes media suppression of the truth. The media can be our enemy.
So the wealthy (MP’s etc) can prepare themselves.

From the prophecies, I remember reading, “Leaders lives will be imperiled”. This may be the starting point here in uk.

Latest update from a Indian owned shop is.
There will be a curfew on all shops etc, as of Friday 20Mar2020. Discussions are still on going in parliament.
Police guards will be placed outside shop’s etc, for obvious reasons. They probably wont have masks.
Thankfully the Indian mafia are being quite helpful here.

For those who use TikTok, A stupid narcissistic idea for not wanting to grow old.
Be aware and take care

Barry Smith

I saw today’s video from sky news showing a hospital in Italy . doctors and nurses were wearing DUST MASK. They will get the virus and spread it to everyone they encounter. Stupidity, ego , and arrogance is more contagious than the Corona virus.

Barry Smith

HOW MUST WE SAY IT . HERMETICALLY SEALED BREATHING APPARATUS AND FULL BODY SUIT IS THE ONLY PROTECTION. I have spread this all over YouTube . Facebook. What is wrong with so called smart people ? I wish the Plejaren would take over the internet and television and use the language transformer and have Billy make a covid 19 broadcast. Then maybe the spread would stop.