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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

To Those Responsible for the Unstoppable Spread of COVID-19

Disease will rage far into future because COVID information from Billy Meier willfully suppressed, ignored by officials, media and apathetic public 

Arizona Daily Sun suppressed the truth for months!


What has happened in this state is also going on throughout the country and internationally, not only because of utterly incompetent officials and complicit media but also because of apathetic, weak-willed, spineless people who put their…faith in them.

The real answer remains as always in complete self-responsibility for one’s life and everything in it. Do not wait for some “miracle vaccine” to protect yourself.

Heed the warnings and the recommendations presented on February 25th and since then:

New Online COVID-19 Test

Second COVID-19 Wave Will Result in over 40 Million Cases

Over 1 Million Deaths as Foretold on August 22

Billy Meier: 750th contact, Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Stupidest People on Earth

Why the Prophecies Will Fulfill

Another COVID “New Discovery” Billy Meier Published Months Ago

COVID-19 Emails Sent to Arizona Officials Since March 5th


As Arizona COVID Cases Rise by 2,400 the Cowards Keep Silent

Scandal: NPR Hid Own Role in 200% Arizona COVID-19 Increase

An Open Letter to the Arrogant Incompetent Arizona Officials

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Al Jedd

Hi Michael
As you mentioned the Q-Anon b.s, it appears that it has arrived in the UK.

Stupidity still rules in the UK; mass hysteria to follow.


Brigitte de Roch

Hi Al –

This is a good side effect example of overpopulation.

I remember the 80’s when there was a version of it that was called the skin heads. I was trying to fit with that group out of fashion only. Of course, I had no idea was it was about but I did create some interesting looks for myself. It was a fad back then and innocent on my side.

I am not sure if it is the same principle today.

Mark Weatherly

Mark Weatherly

Mark Weatherly

After watching your latest video concerning your rebuffed efforts from some town and state officials in Arizona, I am currently blogging on a website address They are an alternative website, of which I am a patron. Within the last 2-3 wks., I blogged on their site about how there was no god and how religions are nothing but hoaxes. I also included that there was no proof that Jesus ever existed. I did not get into anything about Jmmanuel, but I might later on. There may be a possibility they would be willing to at least consider what you have to offer. They have not published the aforementioned blog, but have published other comments on different topics. It might be worth a shot. Cheers, Mark Weatherly

Greg Dougall

Thank you Mark, for your efforts. Bringing any aspects of the case to the public help to awaken one person at a time.

New corroboration:
Caesarean birth, prolonged labour influence infant gut bacteria, risk of childhood obesity and allergies

JIm Portillo

So Trump has tested positive for Covid19… after all the lies and downplaying one can wonder if his base will take it seriously? The inept downplay it, but one cannot forget the over 200K U.S. deaths (& 1+ million globally) which is likely higher due to misdiagnosed COD’s.

Brigitte de Roch

Yes Jim I just heard those news myself.

The intelligence dept. in the government who reads our blog is not so intelligent after all. They could have reported to the President the health dangers of the virus.

That’s irresponsible.

Diane Grebe

So Trump has the virus and Melania, Hope Hicks, 3 white house journalists and Tillis and Mike Lee. And that is only so far. I noticed while watching Fox news they are in shock that Trump got it. Actually, that was a no brainer. I was just wondering how long it would take for him to get it. I don’t even want to give up hope, but maybe, just maybe, this might wake Trump up to the real truth and maybe the zombies on the right who claim this is a “plandemic” will realize how stupid they sound. Trump is in the hospital now and repubs are kind of in shock. I wonder how Qanan can explain this away. The religious nut job, Sandy Rios, from American Family Radio would not even address it on Friday morning at all, while all media stations were covering it. I guess they need the full weekend to start thinking of other stupid explanations to explain this.


Terry Carch

Diane “I DON`T EVER watch Fox News!” If i do watch the news its CNN or mostly MSNBC and the local news for the weather report.

Melissa Osaki

None of the mainstream media can be trusted, Terry. They are all propaganda machines.

Diane Grebe

Hi Terry:

The only reason I listen to Fox is to get a different perspective. I don’t feel that we should only listen to a certain news media and nothing else. I don’t think you get the full story of what is going on because each media outlet has their own narrative and the real truth is some where in the middle or between the lines. I listen to right and left news media along with BBC and anything else I can find. Also, I listen to Sandy Rios because she gives the christian religious perspective and that represents the area that I live in. It helps me to understand how they think and why they react the way they do. I often find them baffling and interesting at the same time. I like to try to predict how they will twist/manipulate a story and take their logic (if you could call it that) and prove their narrative, and of course, always inserting god and jesus into it.

Be safe and well

Christopher Mainwaring-Taylor
Terry Carch

Im not surprised Cistopher. I just hope we all come down with this COVID 19 or worse. That is why I stay at home as much as I possibly can! Quite frankly Im too scared to go out out of fear of contracting the corona virus ! I only go out if i absolutely must!

Terry Carch

Thanks for this very important video. i just watched MH and guess who is finally wearing a mask? Non other than Tramp Trump Clown of akl the stuipid things he does who knows what Tramp Trump Clown will do next, probley still the election again! What else is new?:(((

Melissa Osaki

I think you should lay off the mainstream media conspiracies for a while, Terry.

Shiva Balu

Although the Ps have shared very vital info about covid 19 .I would like to know how long an asymptomatic person ( e.g. children) remain infective and in adults after the apparent recovery ,say 2 to 3 months, when the virus exists as swinging wave impulse, would these people still infect others.?

Diane Grebe

As far as the White House and the infection, the list of people just keeps growing. I am so curious to see how Sandy Rios tries to spin all of this tomorrow morning on her show. But typically if she can’t spin something, she does not talk about it at all. But I don’t see how she can avoid this one. Here, so far, in religious land, Virginia, I am hearing crickets from the church goers concerning the White House Covid-19 infection rate. I think they may be a little shell shocked as to why god and jesus let this happen. Because, you know, god and jesus are a team and work together like Batman and Robin , and how they let this happen is too puzzling to them. So I will wait for this week coming to start hearing the explanations of how this could have possibly occurred.
According to them, science has nothing to do with the virus transmission. At our local high school parent meeting, people got up to the podium to speak to the school administration and yelled at them for going virtual and either spit in their masks or threw them on the floor to make a point that the masks are ridiculous and children do not get the virus or have any symptoms of it. This is not unique to Virginia or just the county I live in. We are in some big trouble here in the US.

Be safe every one.

Brigitte de Roch

The yogic school I attended says that 90% adults should not have children. Now, I understand that better. The example above is sure one good reason among many others.

I certainly hope they do not abuse their children at home. Bible people are very dangerous.

Diane Grebe

Hi Brigitte:

Yes they are dangerous and one thing that I have noticed over and over again with them is that they love to hate. If some one or a group of people does not agree or follow their so called religious principles – they will attack you verbally and try any way they can to discredit you, all in the name of jesus of course. Their favorite adjectives are wicked and evil and often describe the left or dems that way. But to be fair, there a few that you can talk to because they are not standing on a soap box. Those are the ones I tend to talk with. 2 or 3 will be honest and tell you that they have been told by other religious people from the right that they are not really christians because they are from the left! If I am not mistaken, I think Donald Trump Jr also said something like a while back. So even among the religious, there is intolerance. I think Billy may have said something about the religions fighting amongst themselves. I see it happening.
I am sure there is child abuse among the religious. That is kept quiet and not spoken of because it makes them look bad.

Be well and be safe,

David Hurlbuurt


Michael Horn’s Arizona email alerts are now overshadowed by this logic- assumption fault:

The Great Barrington Declaration – Oct. 4, 2020

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

“As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls.

We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity. ”

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CR 743 says: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

18)Even after the end of the pandemic, the
coronavirus will continue to exist for all time.

19) There is no herd immunity.

20) Falling ill with the corona and recuperating
does not protect one from a new infection.

What to do? SOS …—… SOS … —… SOS …—…

The Great Barrington Declaration – Oct. 4, 2020

Signed by

Medical & Public
Health Scientists


87,392 = 96,932 people – and more.


Brigiitte de Roch

The consequences of suppressing the most vital information about the virus leads to unimaginable consequences.

Children are now taking the matter into their own hands by deliberately infecting themselves with the virus under a ‘controlled setting’.

In addition, this new human clinical trial called ‘1Day Sooner’ labels itself as ‘Human Challenge Trial for Covid-19’.

The term ‘Challenge’ is greatly misleading.
Where is the challenge in exposing oneself to a lifetime of poor health?
Where is the challenge in signing up for experimental vaccines that will never work?

Furthermore, since there will never be a completely effective treatment for Covid-19 does it mean the young people will be in clinical trial their whole life?

It’s simply frightening to see that so many people are being denied the truth about the virus. It’s really criminal. I don’t have any other words for it.

John Webster

Shaking my head! This is outrageous information, and likely fals in line with what Meier has conveyed.

John Webster

Of course one goes through most of the video, making notes from a bundle of information the doctor conveys, THEN, in the final few minutes a religious belief system is exchanged with evidence of a new-age belief system is revealed. As for what’s in the vaccine the doctor speaks of, I haven’t any idea. Is it ‘conspiracy theory’ type info?