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Monday, May 6, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

COVID-19 from Experimental Research by Secret Group in China

More from the most accurate source of COVID-19 and other information

Excerpt from Contact Report 726, November 12, 2019
Auszüge aus dem 726. offiziellen Kontaktgespräch vom 12. November 2019Excerpt from the official Contact Report 726 from November 12, 2019
Zeitzeichen No. 139Zeitzeichen No. 139
Billy: Aber wenn du erlaubst, dann möchte ich nochmals auf die China-Seuche zu sprechen kommen, und zwar bezüglich der Pandemie und den Geheimlabors, in denen das Virus entwichen ist.Billy: But if I may, I would like to return to the China epidemic, in relation to the pandemic and the secret laboratories where the virus escaped.
Dazu hast du mir gesagt, dass durch die Dummheit der WHO-Verantwortlichen und andere Verantwortliche rund um die Welt eine Pandemie lange Zeit nur als eventuelle Möglichkeit angenommen werden wird usw.You told me that, because of the stupidity of the WHO and other responsible people around the world, a pandemic will be presumed for a long time only as a potential possibility, etc.
Auch bezüglich der Geheimlabors, aus denen das Virus stammt, was wir ja als <entwichen> bezeichnen, sollte zumindest klargestellt werden, dass die chinesische Regierung ebenso nichts damit zu tun hat, wie auch nicht mit …Also regarding the secret laboratories where the virus originated, which we indeed call ‘escaped’, it should at least be made clear that the Chinese government has nothing to do with it, nor with…
Ptaah: Darüber sollten wir nicht zuviel reden.Ptaah: We should not talk too much about that.
Billy: Will ich ja auch nicht, sondern nur das klarstellen, dass die chinesische Regierung nicht involviert ist, und dass ihr Plejaren eine Pandemie anders seht, als die Erdlinge, die verantwortungslos auch in solchen Dingen dahinwursteln usw.Billy: I don’t want to talk about it either, I just want to make it clear that the Chinese government is not involved, and that you Plejaren see a pandemic differently than the earthlings, who irresponsibly muddle around in such things, etc.
Ptaah: Dieserart können wir noch etwas erklären, ja.Ptaah: This way we can explain something else, yes.
Die Geheimlabors, in denen an drei verschiedenen Orten nicht nur geforscht, sondern auch experimentiert wird, werden nicht im Auftrag der Regierung unterhalten.The secret laboratories, in which not only research but also experiments are carried out in three different places, are not maintained on behalf of the government.
Wahrheitlich handelt es sich um eine Experimentalforschung, die von einer geheimen Gruppierung betrieben wird, die … wie ich dir ausführlich erklärte, wobei ….In fact, it is experimental research carried out by a secret group that…as I explained to you in detail, in which case…
Was nun jedoch das Dahinwarten der WHO und anderer Verantwortlicher weltweit betrifft, insbesondere Mediziner, die nicht zu erkennen vermögen, dass eine Epidemie bereits im Gange ist und sich erste Anzeichen einer Pandemie abzeichnen, so entspricht das nicht nur einer völligen Fehleinschätzung gegenüber den gegebenen Tatsachen, sondern besonders einer verantwortungslosen Unfähigkeit gegenüber der Aufgabe und Pflicht, die sie zu erfüllen hätten.However, now as far as waiting for the WHO and other world leaders, particularly doctors who are unable to see that an epidemic is already underway and that the first signs of a pandemic are emerging, this thus corresponds to not only a complete misjudgement of the facts, but especially to an irresponsible inability regarding their duties and obligations which they would have to fulfil.
In dem Rahmen, wie sich die Seuche bereits in die Welt hinausträgt, auch wenn dies noch in kleinem Rahmen geschieht, so entspricht das bereits einemIn the framework in which the epidemic is already spreading in the world, even if it is still on a small scale, this already corresponds to the beginning of a
Pandemiebeginn, was aber nicht erkannt und zudem durch Falschrederei den Bevölkerungen verheimlicht wird.pandemic, but this is not recognised and, moreover, is being concealed from the populations through falsifications.
Als Beginn einer Pandemie ist zu verstehen, dass eine solche bereits beginnt, wenn es 100 Tote gibt und eine Erkrankung mehr als dreimal in ein fremdes Land verschleppt wird.The beginning of a pandemic is to be understood as the fact that a pandemic already begins when there are 100 deaths and a disease is spread more than three times to a foreign country.
Wenn dies jedoch dieserweise nicht verstanden, nicht erachtet und nicht dementsprechend Sofortmassnahmen ergriffen und keine strenge Isolation und kein Reiseverbot erlassen wird, dann entspricht das einer Verantwortungslosigkeit.If, however, this is not understood, not considered and immediate measures are not taken accordingly, and if strict isolation and travel bans are not imposed, then this is an irresponsibility.
Solche Massnahmen haben nichts mit Hysterie zu tun, sondern entsprechen den grundlegendsten Sicherheitsmassnahmen, die aus verantwortungsbedachter Sicht unumgänglich erforderlich sind.Such measures have nothing to do with hysteria, but correspond to the most basic security measures that are unavoidable from a responsible point of view.
Translated with by Michael Uyttebroek March 30,2020
The Plejaren Protocols from February 25,2020
  • Unprecedented ET outreach for the survival of the people of Earth 
  • Avoid airplanes, ships, mass transportation, crowds
  • Stay at home to avoid exposing yourself to risk of infection
  • Real number of infections and deaths much higher than reported
  • Actual incubation period up to four weeks to 3 months
  • Spread by asymptomatic people; through air, breath, clothing, etc. 
  • Breathing masks useless, virus penetrates because so small 
  • Full-body protective suit, breathing apparatus only real protection
  • Hermetic quarantine required, must be longer than 2 weeks
  • Asian races initially most susceptible but will spread to others
  • Virus becomes more aggressive over time, claiming more lives
  • Children mainly immune, main hidden spreaders of disease (March 2)
  • China, US, etc., suppressed truth for political and economic reasons
  • The WHO culpable for not immediately proclaiming pandemic risk

A Time for Honest Self-evaluation

For over a month, we have provided you with the precise information from Billy Meier and the Plejaren that, had it been heeded, would’ve prevented the tragedy at the New York City hospital and many more occurring across the country.

The powers that be will keep the truth from you, only to have the deadly toll rise even more. They will wring every penny and dollar from you they can and – as long as you allow it – they will continue, with their fake news, their fake religions, their fake leaders, and their fake concern.

But what about…you? What are you doing with the information, to push back, to inform, to point out, to stand up, to demand the truth be heard?  

With all that we now know is coming – with certainty – are you content to passively watch it unfold, hoping it won’t affect you, that you’ll be lucky enough to be among the survivors?

I suggest committing yourself to some outreach, from emails to friends, to posting on forums, blogs, and various sites, etc., take a chance that someone in the media will actually pay attention…if you contact them. Just a couple of short sentences, a link or two, keep it simple. Become determined to make a difference, however large or small it may be.  

For over 16 years I’ve said that the Billy Meier contacts are the key to our future survival. You have that key now, please use it to unlock the doors of darkness and ignorance that others may also have the chance to learn and to help assure our future survival.

The people were warned:


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Francisco Liranzo

Such insurmountable amount of accurate information that I’m baffled, beyond the bounds of reason, as to how anybody can continue to deny it. I’m forever grateful to Billy, The Plejaren, Michael, and all involved who tirelessly continue to inform us. Stay safe out there….

Daniel Cooper

That was my quote Michael. Lets hope we all get through this hard time okay.


Luis Sanchez

This only brings another important question, WHO…out of stupidity was/ and is responsible for the 3 facilities that the experiments were conducted in ?

Tony Vasquez

700 PEOPLE DIED IN THE USA TODAY FROM COVID-19! Is that enough to convince the stupid skeptics and naysayers that this thing is for real! That this is the REAL DEAL, the REAL MCCOY bioweapon pandemic! EVERYONE had better take this seriously and do everything in your power to not get it and to not spread it. Soon, 1000 people will die every day in the US. This a perfect bioweapon released to kill millions of people, and right now it looks like it will.

Where did it come from? In my opinion, it came from a secret CIA lab in Wuhan, China, and in my opinion, it was no accident. It’s biological warfare for various serious results – including kill millions, create panic and chaos, wreck the economy, bring in Martial Law, gun confiscation, and bring in the CHIP. The Ps have to be very careful when they talk about the Illuminati/CIA, because of Billy’s life security, but it’s clear to me what they are saying below.

Ptaah said, “The secret laboratories, in which not only research but also experiments are carried out in three different places, are not maintained on behalf of the (Chinese) government. In fact, it is experimental research carried out by a secret group that…as I explained to you in detail…,”

Until you see all front line personnel wear Hazmat suits, and the country locked down for 3 months, you will not see this virus abate any time soon. This is WAR, biological war, protect yourself and your family at all times!

Neall Calvert

We are not helpless in the face of this illness. People near death (who didn’t make it to the hospital) have recovered from it, as evidenced by this video. There are doctors who know how to prevent lung disease from being deadly — Dr. Brownstein, who appears here, seems to be one of them:

Neall Calvert

Boosting the immune system is something everyone can do, to prevent illness and viruses from affecting us. Both China and Korea are using high-dose Vitamin C to heal patients from coronavirus. Here is an interview with long-time nutrition researcher Dr. Andrew W. Saul, who says the ability to heal from viral illness with mega-dose or intravenous Vitamin C has been known, and has existed in the medical literature, since 1935:

Piyali Ganguly

I wish there was more information with regard to experimental research carried out by a secret group – who are these people and why they are carrying out such a research? Thank you for the information and please stay safe out there. Salome.

Melissa Osaki

The research is carried out by the real controllers of the world. You can figure out who that is by looking at other comments and articles on this blog.

They do the research for multiple reasons, but they need to have a way to eliminate large portions of the population at will. There are too many people on the planet and now that our numbers have increased beyond what they consider controllable, they seek out ways to eliminate as many people as possible. They see the rebellions happening all over the world and they fear losing control.

Tony Vasquez

Very well said Melissa!

Tony Vasquez

Confirmed reported COVID-19 cases reaching 1 million worldwide! The numbers: World – 784,557 cases, 37,895 deaths, in 204 countries. USA – 164,611 cases, 3,174 deaths. The increase is by the 1000s every day. This is a very deadly biological war attack. Protect yourself and your family at all times.

Terry Carch

I just heard hat one of the resurchers wh deveoped crsper say that they plan to use crisper for resurch into COVID 19. But here is the kicker “Monsanto is planning to mix crisper with alcohol to use as a biological weapon to control the population on earth! My guess is the Deep State and the CIA are working not just in China but around the wold to try get control of earths population buy way of killing people mixing crisper with alcohol and using using COVID 19 to cut the worlds population down to 500,00 people!” “I`m very very suspicious and I have a hunch! This is just my guess!”

Terry Carch

Also I think the CIA and the Deep State are also working on not just a biological weapon but also a nuclear weapon too to kill off and reduce earths population down to 500,000 people too! As Iv said I have a very very suspicious nature!

Mark Weatherly

Hello Terry- I’m a U.S. Citizen, who is only too familiar with the CIA’s clandestine operations which have been very instrumental in overthrowing and inserting people, who are essentially puppets of theirs. However, I’m not really sure who comprises the so-called “Deep State.” I could speculate and suggest that its members might include the FBI, CIA and CARF just to name a few. It may also include a top secret organization that has recently or perhaps earlier been revealed as MJ (Majestic) 12. Their nomenclature is or was an elite and powerful group of 12 men who were coined the “military/industrial complex,” by Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th U.S. President, just before he left office. This outfit he referred to, is strongly suspected of having initiated the assassination of JFK because of his knowledge of ET advanced technology, in the field of weaponry and wanted to give this info to other countries presumable for humane reasons.

In regard to your assertion that the CIA and the Deep State are colluding, in order to decrease the earth’s population a little doubtful. If that be the case, the only reason may be for control. Take care, Mark Weatherly

Tony Vasquez

As I said in many posts, besides the horrific tragedy of perhaps a million US deaths, COVID-19 will absolutely crush the US economy. As unemployment soars into 30-40 million and degenerates and desperate people get sick and tired of being confined to their own homes, it is only a matter of time before we see civil disobedience, rioting, looting, and an unprecedented spike in the crime rate. Robberies, muggings, break-ins, car-jackings, and home invasions will increase to an alarming rate.

Of course, there are still a lot of people out there that are hoping for a “V shaped recovery” once this pandemic begins to fade, but I wouldn’t count on that happening.
Medical scientists are warning that there could be multiple “waves” during this pandemic, and fear of this coronavirus is going to persist for a very long time to come. And now that all of the economic bubbles are starting to burst, I’m convinced that there will be no recovery at all. No one should believe for one moment that once CV is gone we will experience a V shaped recovery. There will be no V, there will be no U and nor will we see a hockey stick recovery. What few people understand, including the so-called experts, is that there will be no recovery at all. An extremely rapid decline of the world economy has started and will be devastating in the next 6-12 months, whether CV ends soon or not. Already, and it’s early, 20% of the restaurants, bars, and small businesses are permanently closed. They will never reopen. That will be the case for 50% of those types of businesses in the next 6 months. The US economy will never recover and come back to normal. This virus has killed it.

Joshua Vandiver

Interesting. After reading this, I just saw the following article pop up:

” “There have been cases in the past where a variant of some kind of flu pandemic had escaped from a laboratory because of mismanagement,” said Elsa Kania, an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security. ”

Although, the article also quotes a university chemical biology professor making the claim that SARS-CoV-2 “has none of the expected signatures that would be present for deliberate construction.” – it actually stops short of stating that as a fact.

It’s murky as to whether the blame is actually being directed toward the Chinese government, or whether scrutiny is simply being applied as to what’s actually going on w/ “virology research” inside China though.

Ned Duke

There was a documentary called Anthrax War that went into the black side of biological and chemical research.



Hope everyone is well.

Mark Weatherly

Hello Ned- Thank you so much for your 2 videos describing biological warfare’s genesis in our country as well as Japan. Presently this experimentation on viruses is very troubling, as it seems to have morphed from a defensive to an offensive mode. I shall pass this on, as I think most people will be surprised and saddened by its content. All the best, Mark Weatherly

Terry Carch

There is more to come too: From Democracy! 3/31/2020 “It Shattered My Life”: Joe Biden Staffer Tara Read Says He Sexually Assulted Her in 1993Barbaric De From 1. by Binoy Kampmark Barbaric Decision R effusing Bale and Julian Assange 2. The Deep State Demolition of Democacy by James Bovard

Norm DeCindis

Since Ptaah says there are 2 million effected. So that means the death rate is lower.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Norm,

Ptaah didn’t comment on the true death count and we can’t go by the official numbers. You can be sure that the deaths from coronavirus are far higher than reported. Plus, that 2 million number was from roughly two weeks ago on March 19th.

We are going to officially hit 1 million cases in the next day or two, but I’d speculate it’s closer to 10 or 12 million. The cases double every 4 or so days.